Can I see your full roster? LS / Cantina aren't too hard.
When I 3 starred all my cantina& light side nodes: my team was Wedge lead(G8) Biggs(G8) R2(G10) Jyn(G8) Leia (G8)
Wedge, Biggs, Leia didn't even have any meaningful mods. Probably they had 30 speed arrow at best and that was it.
Of course it took me some days (a week or less) & numerous G12 fast CLS allies with some zetas but I did it.
Wedge lead + CLS lead is IMO the best combo for Lightside Hard nodes. Against all those AOEs they will all counterattack(CLS lead) & heal (Wedge lead) + gain turnmeter(Wedge lead). Probably that's the team that might help you get through it, with lowest possible gears.