5 years ago
What now? Relics/ships
Hi guys, sorry for this but I was wondering what should I do next. 100% F2P
Here I am (I hope it works): https://swgoh.gg/p/753788473/characters/
Current farming (you don't see them because I don't activate toons):
-Toons for DR, that will be my arena team in future
-BH ships for Falcon, just because I want to. If you can find a use for it, thank you
Then I will gear for Malak.
I'm transitioning from nightmare towards a JKR team in squad arena and I can stay top 200 thanks to Vader that wipes out Geos but I'm slowly falling down. I don't care too much about squad arena, but more about fleet arena and GAC
Let's start with the first question:
I'm unsure about what to do with relics. I could relic Vader or (in a few days) GMY but maybe I should wait and hoard for DR (I have carth at 160 shards so it will be quite a long way and a lot of gear). Maybe the real question here is: for arena and maybe GAC is JKR better than "empire"?
Then we pass to the big question: ships!
I have an empire fleet (more or less) and I can reach 8-10 in arena that are a lot of crystals. I'm finishing TIE bomber and HT/Bossk but I guess I should also try to get another fleet, that in the future could become the principal (like becoming a Negotiator or Malevolence fleet but I'm far from it, like very far). I was thinking about ashoka/anakin/5s, towards a negotiator fleet and under chimaera or Home1 for the moment. I already have ashoka and fives with their ships 7* (not geared/upgraded) but if I go with this way it will be foolish not to work towards padme since with GK, Anakin and ashoka her team will be almost complete and it will also motivate the gear for the pilots (except clones). But for padme I will need separatists and I'm not sure if I should farm geos (I have poggle 7* that you dont see, but I have to say I don't like geos too much) or a GG with droids (I will have droideka for free thanks to cad bane ship node) or both (like geo pilots and GG and Droideka or maybe add jango, poggle or nute). In all cases I will also have half of the toons for malevolence (GG and/or geos) and I heard I could also fit Falcon and IG2000, that I will have, and farming geo ships is not a problem.
Besides, I don't know what to do with my current fleet e.g. if it could be my defensive or offensive fleet in GAC. Maybe I should farm other empire toons/ships like EP ship or gauntlet or reaper but those will require toons I won't use so I'm delaying farming them.
So... what should I do?
Here I am (I hope it works): https://swgoh.gg/p/753788473/characters/
Current farming (you don't see them because I don't activate toons):
-Toons for DR, that will be my arena team in future
-BH ships for Falcon, just because I want to. If you can find a use for it, thank you
Then I will gear for Malak.
I'm transitioning from nightmare towards a JKR team in squad arena and I can stay top 200 thanks to Vader that wipes out Geos but I'm slowly falling down. I don't care too much about squad arena, but more about fleet arena and GAC
Let's start with the first question:
I'm unsure about what to do with relics. I could relic Vader or (in a few days) GMY but maybe I should wait and hoard for DR (I have carth at 160 shards so it will be quite a long way and a lot of gear). Maybe the real question here is: for arena and maybe GAC is JKR better than "empire"?
Then we pass to the big question: ships!
I have an empire fleet (more or less) and I can reach 8-10 in arena that are a lot of crystals. I'm finishing TIE bomber and HT/Bossk but I guess I should also try to get another fleet, that in the future could become the principal (like becoming a Negotiator or Malevolence fleet but I'm far from it, like very far). I was thinking about ashoka/anakin/5s, towards a negotiator fleet and under chimaera or Home1 for the moment. I already have ashoka and fives with their ships 7* (not geared/upgraded) but if I go with this way it will be foolish not to work towards padme since with GK, Anakin and ashoka her team will be almost complete and it will also motivate the gear for the pilots (except clones). But for padme I will need separatists and I'm not sure if I should farm geos (I have poggle 7* that you dont see, but I have to say I don't like geos too much) or a GG with droids (I will have droideka for free thanks to cad bane ship node) or both (like geo pilots and GG and Droideka or maybe add jango, poggle or nute). In all cases I will also have half of the toons for malevolence (GG and/or geos) and I heard I could also fit Falcon and IG2000, that I will have, and farming geo ships is not a problem.
Besides, I don't know what to do with my current fleet e.g. if it could be my defensive or offensive fleet in GAC. Maybe I should farm other empire toons/ships like EP ship or gauntlet or reaper but those will require toons I won't use so I'm delaying farming them.
So... what should I do?