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FedeRoxx's avatar
5 years ago

What now? Relics/ships

Hi guys, sorry for this but I was wondering what should I do next. 100% F2P
Here I am (I hope it works):

Current farming (you don't see them because I don't activate toons):
-Toons for DR, that will be my arena team in future
-BH ships for Falcon, just because I want to. If you can find a use for it, thank you
Then I will gear for Malak.

I'm transitioning from nightmare towards a JKR team in squad arena and I can stay top 200 thanks to Vader that wipes out Geos but I'm slowly falling down. I don't care too much about squad arena, but more about fleet arena and GAC

Let's start with the first question:
I'm unsure about what to do with relics. I could relic Vader or (in a few days) GMY but maybe I should wait and hoard for DR (I have carth at 160 shards so it will be quite a long way and a lot of gear). Maybe the real question here is: for arena and maybe GAC is JKR better than "empire"?

Then we pass to the big question: ships!
I have an empire fleet (more or less) and I can reach 8-10 in arena that are a lot of crystals. I'm finishing TIE bomber and HT/Bossk but I guess I should also try to get another fleet, that in the future could become the principal (like becoming a Negotiator or Malevolence fleet but I'm far from it, like very far). I was thinking about ashoka/anakin/5s, towards a negotiator fleet and under chimaera or Home1 for the moment. I already have ashoka and fives with their ships 7* (not geared/upgraded) but if I go with this way it will be foolish not to work towards padme since with GK, Anakin and ashoka her team will be almost complete and it will also motivate the gear for the pilots (except clones). But for padme I will need separatists and I'm not sure if I should farm geos (I have poggle 7* that you dont see, but I have to say I don't like geos too much) or a GG with droids (I will have droideka for free thanks to cad bane ship node) or both (like geo pilots and GG and Droideka or maybe add jango, poggle or nute). In all cases I will also have half of the toons for malevolence (GG and/or geos) and I heard I could also fit Falcon and IG2000, that I will have, and farming geo ships is not a problem.
Besides, I don't know what to do with my current fleet e.g. if it could be my defensive or offensive fleet in GAC. Maybe I should farm other empire toons/ships like EP ship or gauntlet or reaper but those will require toons I won't use so I'm delaying farming them.

So... what should I do?

6 Replies

  • @WhatIsTheWay
    Hopefully I can help.

    • I would relic up your Vader. You should be able to get him relic 3 right away, and up to relic 5 with little effort. Then in a few days when you get Yoda to g13, you can still take him to relic 3-4 kinda easily.
    • Yes, a JKR team would generally be better for arena than an Empire team. I would continue your plan to get Malak by gearing your JKR team while farming shards for DRevan. Then, gear DRevan crew up and get Malak. :)
    • Ships: Are you in a guild running Geonosis TB? If not, join one. As more and more Malevolence/Negotiators show up in your fleet shard, it will get tougher to stay in the top 10. You should be okay for a while, though. (I'm not sure how young/old your shard is).

      I think starting a Galactic Republic fleet is a good idea. This, like you said, basically gives you a Padme team minus Padme. You can probably get a Geonosian team for Padme's event while still farming for Darth Revan. But then there's the question: if you will have a Geo team, why not just use geo ships (with the addition of Hyena bomber/vulture droid) and have a Malevolence Separatist fleet instead of Negotiator??? Here's the answer: it doesn't matter which fleet you choose. Now, you have already expressed interest in a Negotiator fleet, so I think you should go with that.
  • Thank you guys I'm going to relic Vader right now.

    Then I think I will continue farming Anakin and his ship and when I finish farming Sith Empire Trooper from Cantina I will start with Geos for Padme. When I can find Geos ships in GW shop I might buy them since I don't have anything very helpful there and maybe in the future they will complete my actual fleet (which will be my secondary one).

    Who I should add to Ashoka, Anakin and 5s in that fleet? Rex maybe? And which capital ship? Falcon will help or it would be better to stop farming BH ship? I won't be able to get Negotiator fast. We do run Genosis TB but it's too difficult for us (not that I can help in anyway in those)
  • "WhatIsTheWay;c-2209373" wrote:
    Who I should add to Ashoka, Anakin and 5s in that fleet? Rex maybe? And which capital ship? Falcon will help or it would be better to stop farming BH ship? I won't be able to get Negotiator fast. We do run Genosis TB but it's too difficult for us (not that I can help in anyway in those)

    Use either Mace (Galactic Republic ship, but not that good) or Ackbar's (not galactic republic but good) capital ship until you get the Negotiator.

    I see you already have a good Hound's Tooth. Definitely use him! Plo Koon is also a good reinforcement because of all the healing capabilities.

    If you wanted to, you could probably get in a better guild that is also running light side geo tb. This would get you the Negotiator quicker.
  • Also, I wouldn't work on the Mil Falcon right now. It's good, but you don't really have a use for it, and those resources could be better spent on something else. (Your JKR team for example)
  • Thanks for all the responses!
    I like the combo with HT coming as reinforcement and get retribution so he taunts and when is attacked he counters and gets health and protection up from the basic. But I agree, bomber is quite squishy so maybe I will try that.

    With ashoka & co I will use ackbar that I have at 7* and I could use, at least for now, other non GR rebel ships (phoenix and biggs) as a secondary work in progress fleet for GAC.
    I'm also stopping right now the farm for Cad and IG ships for Mil F and with that energy I will farm some much needed stun guns. I will continue that farm when I finish others like Badstilla, Bossk and Jango/HT.

    Also, to complete my actual fleet to be a decent secondary one, is it ok to get geos ships and make an empire+geos? I guess I will start with geos trio so bomber won't be that useful but it should work. And I will farm geos anyway for Padme...
  • I mean, if you are getting Geos anyways, you may as well just get the ships as well

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