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superkenster's avatar
5 years ago

What should I farm next?

Hi all,

First post on here!

I've not long got to level 85 and am in the process of grinding up the gear levels and top dog characters to unlock. I have a few squads that I work with for the Squad/Grand Arena so far ...

Bastilla (Leader), Grand Master Yoda, Luminara, Old Ben & Ahsoka (all 7* and gear level 12).

I'm currently working on getting these guys to gear level 13. I have 7* Mace Windu & Jedi Consular but not at the same gear levels and 6* Hermit Yoda and General Kenobi that'll be 7* with a couple of weeks. Currently grinding up Jolee (4* at the moment) for Revan.

Darth Nihilus (Leader) Darth Vader, Palpatine, Count Dooku, Darth Sidious (all 7* and gear level 8/9).

I also have Bastilla (Fallen) and Darth Maul also 7* and same gear levels. I'm thinking of going for Darth Revan for these ones.

CLS (Leader), ST Han, Admiral Akbar, Princess Leia, R2D2 (all 7* and gear level 8/9).

I also have Farmboy Luke, Biggs and mentioned in Jedi, Old Ben all at 7* with various gear levels. Plus Zeb and K-2 at 7* but I've not levelled them up yet. 6* Han Solo too. C-3PO is on my list to do at some point (I have 4 of the ewoks at 7* but none levelled up yet).

First Order:
Hux (Leader), Sith Trooper, Phasma, SF Tie Pilot, FO Officer (all 7* and gear level 8/9).

1 shard away from having Kylo Ren at 7* plus 6* Tie Pilot but unlevelled. I've unlocked KR Unmasked, Executioner and Stormtrooper but they're all still 2*/3* and not levelled.

My plan so far is to get my jedi squad to gear level 13 whilst unlocking Revan. Once I've finished both of those I was going to focus on the SL Kylo Ren grind ... Would anyone suggest different?


10 Replies

  • crzydroid's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    5 years ago
    Drop Mace, Consular, Farmboy, and Luminara yesterday.

    You definitely should go after both Revans, and Anakin is a good choice for ships and Padmé.

  • @RyacSampaio
    Of those Jedi, I would only g13 Yoda and Revan when you get him.
    I would move HYoda and GK into your jedi team over Luminara and Old Ben. It doesn't really matter that they aren't 7 stars. Then when you get JKR, kick out Ahsoka to make room for him.
    Also, move Han Solo into your rebel team and put a zeta on him. (Yes, even though he's 6 stars)And if you have Bounty Hunters geared up, get Chewie
    "RyacSampaio;d-239548" wrote:

    My plan so far is to get my jedi squad to gear level 13 whilst unlocking Revan. Once I've finished both of those I was going to focus on the SL Kylo Ren grind ... Would anyone suggest different?

    Seems like a solid plan. How good are your ships in fleet arena?
  • "RyacSampaio;d-239548" wrote:
    Hi all,

    First post on here!

    I've not long got to level 85 and am in the process of grinding up the gear levels and top dog characters to unlock. I have a few squads that I work with for the Squad/Grand Arena so far ...

    Bastilla (Leader), Grand Master Yoda, Luminara, Old Ben & Ahsoka (all 7* and gear level 12).

    I'm currently working on getting these guys to gear level 13. I have 7* Mace Windu & Jedi Consular but not at the same gear levels and 6* Hermit Yoda and General Kenobi that'll be 7* with a couple of weeks. Currently grinding up Jolee (4* at the moment) for Revan.

    Darth Nihilus (Leader) Darth Vader, Palpatine, Count Dooku, Darth Sidious (all 7* and gear level 8/9).

    I also have Bastilla (Fallen) and Darth Maul also 7* and same gear levels. I'm thinking of going for Darth Revan for these ones.

    CLS (Leader), ST Han, Admiral Akbar, Princess Leia, R2D2 (all 7* and gear level 8/9).

    I also have Farmboy Luke, Biggs and mentioned in Jedi, Old Ben all at 7* with various gear levels. Plus Zeb and K-2 at 7* but I've not levelled them up yet. 6* Han Solo too. C-3PO is on my list to do at some point (I have 4 of the ewoks at 7* but none levelled up yet).

    First Order:
    Hux (Leader), Sith Trooper, Phasma, SF Tie Pilot, FO Officer (all 7* and gear level 8/9).

    1 shard away from having Kylo Ren at 7* plus 6* Tie Pilot but unlevelled. I've unlocked KR Unmasked, Executioner and Stormtrooper but they're all still 2*/3* and not levelled.

    My plan so far is to get my jedi squad to gear level 13 whilst unlocking Revan. Once I've finished both of those I was going to focus on the SL Kylo Ren grind ... Would anyone suggest different?



    Firstly, you are surely already level 85?? You have CLS, who requires level 85.


    Bastila not worth g13.

    GMY g13 great choice.


    Old Ben no need to g13 atm

    Ahsoka g13 is ok but not needed in this team

    ASAP get Hoda and GK to 7*.

    Jolee @ 4* is better than Luminara @ 7* r7 (forget g12)

    I'd eventually make this team JKR (Lead), Bastila, GMY, Jolee, Hoda

    GK and Ahsoka can go to a GR team once you make it (Padme L, JKA, GK, Ahsoka, R2D2)


    Darth Nihiuls L is good, but I'd use Palp L

    ditch Darth Sidious for Bastila Fallen for now. When you get DRevan, put Bastila Fallen with him along with HK-47, Sith Empire Trooper, and Sith Marauder/Assassin (to be replaced by Darth Malak).

    I'm not an expert with Sith to know whether Maul / Sidious is better of the two.


    CLS, ST Han, Princess Leia, Biggs, R2 for now. Switch out Biggs and R2 for C-3PO and raid Han ASAP. Also, if you can farm him, Threepio and Chewie instead of ST Han, and eventually switch out Princess Leia for Chewie if you can farm BH for him.

    First Order:

    SF Tie Pilot for Kylo Ren (gear him up!!)

    farm KRU and his ship (same node) in Cantina and replace Phasma with him.


    On your farming plan, sounds great, but if I have your, then it would greatly help
  • Thanks for all the comments folks, much appreciated!

    I didn't even know about swgoh.pp - very handy! ... Just set it up as

    I've just realized a couple of errors I made on my OP ... Most of my ewoks are 5*/6* and not 7* yet. Plus my Jolee is still a couple of shards away from 4*.
  • "RyacSampaio;c-2209763" wrote:
    Thanks for all the comments folks, much appreciated!

    I didn't even know about swgoh.pp - very handy! ... Just set it up as

    I've just realized a couple of errors I made on my OP ... Most of my ewoks are 5*/6* and not 7* yet. Plus my Jolee is still a couple of shards away from 4*.

    Thanks for the link

    Your best bet is to knock out Lumi from your Jedi first.

    Teams I'd use

    Jedi: Bastila L, GMY, Old Ben, Hoda, Jolee. Level up and gear Jolee and Hoda as much as possible. Top canditates for g13: GMY, Jolee (once 7*). Once you get JKR, kick Old Ben

    Bounty Hunters: This is a futuristic plan. You have Boba, Cad, Mando, Greef, and IG-88. I would get Bossk (and Hound's Tooth) immediately. I would then gear and star up Boba, Cad, Mando, Greef, and Bossk (and Dengar too) Top candidates for g13: Mando, Bossk, Boba

    Empire (Imperial Troopers) - This is a futuristic plan. Star up and gear decently - General Veers, Colonel Starck, Admiral Piett, Snowtrooper, Moff Gideon. Top canditates for g13: Moff Gideon, Admiral Piett

    Empire / Sith - Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Bastila Shan (Fallen), Tarkin, Darth Nihilus. Top candidates for g13: Vader, Badstila. Badstila / Tarkin will eventually be replaced with Thrawn.

    Ewoks (for C-3PO) - You should 7* and gear up: Chief Chirpa, Wicket, Logray, Paploo, Ewok Elder. Top candidates for g13: NONE. Top candidates for g12: Elder (ONLY IF NEEDED FOR 3PO EVENT).

    First Order: General Hux, First Order Officer, Sith Trooper, Kylo Ren, KRU (geared and starred).

    Galactic Republic: This is a futuristic plan. Padme Amidala, JKA, GK, Ahsoka, R2-D2. R2 will be with the Rebels initially but will be replaced.

    Separatists (Geonosians): This is a futuristic plan to get you Pamde Amidala. Brood Alpha, Sun Fac, Soldier, Poggle, Spy.

    Old Republic: (not a gear priority apart from when you go for Malak). This team is no priority. All characters will be farmed as you go for JKR and DR. Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, T3-M4, Canderous Ordo.

    Phoenix: Get this quickly for Thrawn. Hera L, Ezra, Zeb, Kanan, Chopper

    Rebel: CLS, R2, Leia, Threepio and Chewie (gear) and raid Han (gear!!) Leia to be replaced with Chewie, R2 to be replaced with C-3PO.

    Mothma: This is a futuristic plan. Mon Mothma, Biggs, Hoth Rebel Scout, K-2SO, Scarif Rebel Pathfinder.

    Resistance: This is a futuristic plan. JTR, BB-8, Veteran Han, Veteran Chewie, Finn

    Farming plan coming soon ...
  • @TheChild_eats_eggs1
    When you say "futuristic plan", what do you mean? I think you mean OP should get these teams at some point, but not yet?
    Because that is way too much to be farming at once.
  • "Old_Ben12345;c-2209937" wrote:
    When you say "futuristic plan", what do you mean? I think you mean OP should get these teams at some point, but not yet?
    Because that is way too much to be farming at once.


    Read the last line too
  • Regular Shipments:

    • All credit stuff for relic scrap

    Cantina Store:

  • Chopper 7*
  • Pao 7*

    Guild Store:

  • Sun Fac 7*
  • Dengar 7*
  • Logray 7*
  • FOSFTF 7*
  • gear!!

    Squad Arena Store:

  • Kanan Jarrus 7*
  • Nute Gunray 7*
  • Prestige unless you are in need of a character in the store

    Galactic War Store (go to the next number if you have more than 2k currency):

  • Poggle the Lesser 7*
  • K-2SO 7*
  • Geonosian Ships 7*
  • FOTF 7*
  • Plo Koon's Ship 7*
  • All ships to 7* and all characters to 6*

    Fleet Arena Store (1 - 2 at a time; go to the next number if you have more than 2k currency):

    • Darth Vader 7*
    • Darth Vader TIE Advanced x1 7*
    • General Grievous 7*
    • Sun Fac Ship 7*
    • Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) 7*
    • FOTP 7*
    • Slave 1 7*
    • Ghost 7*
    • Phantom II 7*
    • Any Ships needed 7*
    • Zeta Mats!!!

    GET1 Store:

    • Hoda 7*
    • Wampa 7*
    • Malak / GAS 7*
    • GAS / Malak 7*
    • Gear!!

    GET2 Store:

    • Malevolence 7*
    • Negotiator 7*
    • Gear!!
  • Cantina Energy:

  • Kylo Ren 7*
  • T3-M4 7*
  • Hera 5*
  • Ezra 7*
  • Hera 7*
  • Canderous Ordo 7*
  • JKA 7*
  • KRU 7* / TIE Silencer 7*
  • FOX 7*
  • Palpoo 7*
  • Chief Chirpa 7*
  • Geo Brood Alpha 7*
  • Geo Spy 7*
  • Geo Soldier 7*
  • Vet Han 7*
  • Vet Chewie 7*
  • Finn 7*
  • Scarif Rebel Pathfinder 7*
  • Ebon Hawk 7*

    Normal Energy (3-5 at a time):

    • Jolee Bindo 7*
    • Bossk 7*
    • Hounds Tooth 7* / Jango Fett
    • Zaalbar 7*
    • Bastila Fallen 7*
    • Juhani 7*
    • Xanadu Blood 7* / Droideka
    • Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle 7* / Darth Sion
    • Wicket 7*
    • Ewok Elder 7*
    • Greef 7*
    • Mando 7*
    • Threepio & Chewie 7*
    • FOST 7*
    • Rey (Scavenger) 7* / Rey's Millenium Falcon
    • Sabine Wren 7*
    • Mon Mothma 7*
    • Admiral Piett 7*
    • Vulture Droid 7*
    • General Veers 7*
    • Moff Gideon 7* (Location tbc)

    Fleet Energy (2-3 at a time):

    • Jolee Bindo 7*
    • Carth Onasi 7*
    • Enfys Nest 7*
    • B1 Battle Droid 7*
    • Shaak Ti 7*
    • ...

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