5 years ago
What should I farm next?
Hi all,
First post on here!
I've not long got to level 85 and am in the process of grinding up the gear levels and top dog characters to unlock. I have a few squads that I work with for the Squad/Grand Arena so far ...
Bastilla (Leader), Grand Master Yoda, Luminara, Old Ben & Ahsoka (all 7* and gear level 12).
I'm currently working on getting these guys to gear level 13. I have 7* Mace Windu & Jedi Consular but not at the same gear levels and 6* Hermit Yoda and General Kenobi that'll be 7* with a couple of weeks. Currently grinding up Jolee (4* at the moment) for Revan.
Darth Nihilus (Leader) Darth Vader, Palpatine, Count Dooku, Darth Sidious (all 7* and gear level 8/9).
I also have Bastilla (Fallen) and Darth Maul also 7* and same gear levels. I'm thinking of going for Darth Revan for these ones.
CLS (Leader), ST Han, Admiral Akbar, Princess Leia, R2D2 (all 7* and gear level 8/9).
I also have Farmboy Luke, Biggs and mentioned in Jedi, Old Ben all at 7* with various gear levels. Plus Zeb and K-2 at 7* but I've not levelled them up yet. 6* Han Solo too. C-3PO is on my list to do at some point (I have 4 of the ewoks at 7* but none levelled up yet).
First Order:
Hux (Leader), Sith Trooper, Phasma, SF Tie Pilot, FO Officer (all 7* and gear level 8/9).
1 shard away from having Kylo Ren at 7* plus 6* Tie Pilot but unlevelled. I've unlocked KR Unmasked, Executioner and Stormtrooper but they're all still 2*/3* and not levelled.
My plan so far is to get my jedi squad to gear level 13 whilst unlocking Revan. Once I've finished both of those I was going to focus on the SL Kylo Ren grind ... Would anyone suggest different?
First post on here!
I've not long got to level 85 and am in the process of grinding up the gear levels and top dog characters to unlock. I have a few squads that I work with for the Squad/Grand Arena so far ...
Bastilla (Leader), Grand Master Yoda, Luminara, Old Ben & Ahsoka (all 7* and gear level 12).
I'm currently working on getting these guys to gear level 13. I have 7* Mace Windu & Jedi Consular but not at the same gear levels and 6* Hermit Yoda and General Kenobi that'll be 7* with a couple of weeks. Currently grinding up Jolee (4* at the moment) for Revan.
Darth Nihilus (Leader) Darth Vader, Palpatine, Count Dooku, Darth Sidious (all 7* and gear level 8/9).
I also have Bastilla (Fallen) and Darth Maul also 7* and same gear levels. I'm thinking of going for Darth Revan for these ones.
CLS (Leader), ST Han, Admiral Akbar, Princess Leia, R2D2 (all 7* and gear level 8/9).
I also have Farmboy Luke, Biggs and mentioned in Jedi, Old Ben all at 7* with various gear levels. Plus Zeb and K-2 at 7* but I've not levelled them up yet. 6* Han Solo too. C-3PO is on my list to do at some point (I have 4 of the ewoks at 7* but none levelled up yet).
First Order:
Hux (Leader), Sith Trooper, Phasma, SF Tie Pilot, FO Officer (all 7* and gear level 8/9).
1 shard away from having Kylo Ren at 7* plus 6* Tie Pilot but unlevelled. I've unlocked KR Unmasked, Executioner and Stormtrooper but they're all still 2*/3* and not levelled.
My plan so far is to get my jedi squad to gear level 13 whilst unlocking Revan. Once I've finished both of those I was going to focus on the SL Kylo Ren grind ... Would anyone suggest different?