4 years ago
Which jedies are better to develop in my situation, Qi-Gon or Mace Windu? What else to focus?
Hey folks 😊
Please give me some advice.
I'm level 63 and I'm going to form a jedi squad as a primary arena team.
I didn't farm any phoenix and will not farm them at all if possible (yes, I know that it is optimal start for unlocking Palpatine and Thrawn and also becaus of their ship). I also prefer mostly Light Side as I feel it kinda more enjoyable :smiley:
The main question is which jedi to focus to speed up Grand Master Yoda unlock in my situation?
My jedies: https://swgoh.gg/p/457173374/characters/?f=Jedi
I also have some Rebels for a future second squad: https://swgoh.gg/p/457173374/characters/?f=Rebel (my Princess Leya and Lando Calrissian are already 7 stars).
I've already collected enough shards to unlock Biggs 7 stars.
I am farming all shards for Bastila (but it feels like an eternity to get 7 stars), Jedi Knight Anakin and just started farming Jolee (as a really long run) and Geonosians (for an event and Padme unlock). What are the best jedi for me for quick GMY unlock except those that I've almost got ready (Jedi Consular, Ahsoka and Old Ben). I guess Jedi Knight Anakin as 4th? (It is going so slowly). Who is better and faster as fifth, Qi-Gon Jihn or Mace Windu? My primary capital ship is Executrix. Do I ever need Mace Windu for the third or the second capital ship? Or does Ackbar act better and that's will be enough? I've read that Mace Windu is quite useless with a jedi pack. So I would prefer Ackbar but it is another farm though.
I would be excited also to receive any other suggestions what to focus and which goals to proceed now.
Please give me some advice.
I'm level 63 and I'm going to form a jedi squad as a primary arena team.
I didn't farm any phoenix and will not farm them at all if possible (yes, I know that it is optimal start for unlocking Palpatine and Thrawn and also becaus of their ship). I also prefer mostly Light Side as I feel it kinda more enjoyable :smiley:
The main question is which jedi to focus to speed up Grand Master Yoda unlock in my situation?
My jedies: https://swgoh.gg/p/457173374/characters/?f=Jedi
I also have some Rebels for a future second squad: https://swgoh.gg/p/457173374/characters/?f=Rebel (my Princess Leya and Lando Calrissian are already 7 stars).
I've already collected enough shards to unlock Biggs 7 stars.
I am farming all shards for Bastila (but it feels like an eternity to get 7 stars), Jedi Knight Anakin and just started farming Jolee (as a really long run) and Geonosians (for an event and Padme unlock). What are the best jedi for me for quick GMY unlock except those that I've almost got ready (Jedi Consular, Ahsoka and Old Ben). I guess Jedi Knight Anakin as 4th? (It is going so slowly). Who is better and faster as fifth, Qi-Gon Jihn or Mace Windu? My primary capital ship is Executrix. Do I ever need Mace Windu for the third or the second capital ship? Or does Ackbar act better and that's will be enough? I've read that Mace Windu is quite useless with a jedi pack. So I would prefer Ackbar but it is another farm though.
I would be excited also to receive any other suggestions what to focus and which goals to proceed now.