Forum Discussion

Pulsipher's avatar
Seasoned Traveler
30 days ago

Buttons disappearing

GAC match - Bo Mandalore versus Cere Unaligned FUs. KRU was defeated? And then retaliated and disappeared - and he took the attack buttons with him. 
This is frustrating. 
…And we don’t log things at answersHQ anymore? That site directed me here. Or I could select in game HELP and get a chat bot (or worse…) No one is actually going to help but it’s n answers.HQ I had hope that it would looked at and at least counted as something that went wrong.

Maybe the forums are supposed to help? Maybe Om not supposed to attack Cere teams because the game may break - so don’t try to get points there. Or maybe I’m not supposed to use my mandalorian team- the game may break so I should ignore all investments I made there. A quick list of all teams I should avoid/never use so that O don’t get screwed over in GAC would be helpful…

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