Forum Discussion

9e4950c2754b0787's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
28 days ago

Current GC bugged

Current galactic challenge is bugged - the battles not registering the undersized squad feat

  • gz4yjmod1pc8's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    You need to have no reinforcements- I used Executor on level 9 to get the red crate

    • SmasherBob's avatar
      Rising Traveler

      ^This.  Completing the battle with no reinforcements worked for me.

  • Let's hope they can fix it, BS if it works only with 3 ships, undersized squad means 1 less in the squad, always has been, always should be.

    • OfTheVeilGaming's avatar
      New Traveler

      It isn't broken

      3 Ships + a capital = 4 units

      Undersized means 4 units in Ground Battles

      It's consistent 

      • Persimius's avatar
        Rising Traveler

        Just because CG can't code good doesn't mean it's not broken. Undersized for ground is 4, undersized for space is 7.

  • 89mangaliso89's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I found the same thing. I tried it with only 6 ships…no deal. Tried with only 4 active ships, no deal. 

  • esukert's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    You have to use Malevolence with Hyena Bomber, Sun Fac, and Vulture. Easy peasy. 

  • GODiTzZ's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    What he said! It works with characters (first 3 tiers) but not with ships 😕

    • t0c7gwehg40m's avatar

      If you use Levi, Sieze the bridge counts as another ship. So being 2 ships or dont use Sieze the bridge and bring 3. Total ships must be 4 or less.