Re: Daily challenges don't award rewards
@EA_GunnerI do not agree with you. If the app would be implemented correctly, i.e., following good practices, then crashes should not result in an inconsistent state afterwards. By inconsistent state I mean that daily challenges are completed but the rewards are not granted.
Let me explain with an example. Imagine a bank application where people could make electronic transfers of money (deduct money from account A and add the same amount to bank B). If this bank application would crash during the transfer and the application would not be implemented correctly then the money could disappear (it would be deducted from the account and never added to the other one). This would be clearly a problem with how the application is implemented. Everyone who studied programming knows how to program in a way so that such an inconsistent state cannot occur. The whole transaction should be atomic, that is either money is deducted from A and deposited to B or none of those things happens regardless of errors (crashes of the client app, connection problems, crashes of the server, etc). This is not a rocket science and that is why it does not happen in bank applications nor in shopping application nor in any other serious applications implemented by professionals.
To answer your question: no I do not have another device. I am not reporting the crashes itself. I am reporting the the bug in the implementation of the game that allows the crash to lead to an inconsistent state, i.e., daily challenges being completed but the rewards not granted.