The patch did not fix this issue. I do not mark threads solved until they are. What fixed it for me is what I posted already on here and hopefully it works for others.
Just to update the new patch may have fixed the import issue for everyone now. However what I did fixed it for me previous to this latest patch . 🙂
First time after I downloaded and save the ie: Hatfield_11.FAM file I then right clicked on it before putting it in the import folder. Edited permissions as seems I as User no longer had Full Control. Seemed off so I went back and checked security on my legacy file and same so I changed the security on that as well.
After I downloaded all the Fam files I wanted and put them in C:/progamfiles/EA/Simslegacy/UserData/Import. It (import)worked as intended. Did the first couple of fam files individuals as it was almost discovered by accident.
Much Quicker to check your SimLegacy Folder in program files first of course so would recommend you start there.
Bluegayle Strange but useful. Could you describe exactly what you did for the benefit of others in this thread? It would be nice to have a resource to link for people asking about it.
Strange but true I tried one yesterday and it imported. However when I tried another I got the "cannot import" message. So it seems like Kittybass said it is hit and miss, with more hit. That was using the C:Programfiles/EAGames/SimsLegacy/UserData/Import
belalucinaI will recheck your link but first time through I didn't find the actual original family/lot downloads. Will try again.
Update: Did not work. Family shows up in Select a family but the lot does not import w/family intact.
Same folders now since patch. I am loving the new version my sims are definitely improved but I really want to get my old families back into the game as well and as easily as it was in the original version.
I'm still having the same issue as you, navykat88, and my import folder is in the same location as yours. On the patch notes for 2/6 it says that the folder should be in Program Files/Maxis/The Sims/User Data/Import but that's not where mine is. I don't even have a Maxis folder.
The game is finding the fam files in Program Files/EA Games/The Sims Legacy/User Data/Import but there is an error when trying to import. I have not experienced any crashes though. I wonder if the old files are just not compatible with this updated version?
So initially I had the same problem as the OP. When I put .FAM files in the Import folder, the game didn't even see them. Then I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, which coincided with the first patch, so I don't know which thing caused the difference or perhaps both did. But I found that the User Data folder had changed location before: Users/Lenovo/Saved Games/Electronic Arts/The Sims 25/User Data/Import after: Program Files/EA Games/The Sims Legacy/User Data/Import Now when I placed the .FAM files in the Import folder, the game is able to see them and ask me if I want to import the families. But when I click yes, it gives me an error and after three tries the game crashes
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