Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
Work consumes quite a bit of time for Bekka and Jamie. Bekka accepts several new clients including the restaurant where she and Jamie enjoyed a date. The owner appreciates her innovative ideas and promptly hires her to undertake the renovations to his restaurant.
Jamie continues working with Liam and the ghost hunters. He has informed the national organization he is not willing to travel in the next few months. He does not want to leave Damien or Bekka at this time.
With Liam's agreement, Jamie establishes a training program for the ghost hunters on Liam's staff. He was shocked at their inability to rid the Vanderburg mansion of the poltergeists. He believes that with proper training, the hunters will be able to deal with any type of ghost invasion. A few of the group are willing and excited about traveling to complete assignments. Liam and the national group agreed to hire Jamie to develop the program and train the ghost hunters.
Despite their busy lives they always choose to spend time with each other, growing closer every day. are both on hand to greet Lee and Layla as they return home.
Jamie waves at Lee and shakes his hand. “Congratulations and welcome to the family.”
Lee looks a little puzzled at Jamie’s comment. “Thank you, but I am not quite certain I understand.”
“You don’t have to be blood to be family. Damien and I are closer than brothers. Mary and Bekka bonded like sisters right away. Layla has always been a bossy sister to me. Mary bonded with Layla arguing like sisters do. Layla treats Bekka like a favorite niece. So, welcome to the family."
Lee laughs appreciating Jamie’s description. I do understand now. I am privileged to become part of the family.”
Bekka greets Layla with a hug. “Congratulations again!
“Bless you for the gift of your home last night. It was perfect.”
Layla blushes and looks the happiest Bekka has seen her since they met.“I am so happy for you, Layla.” Jamie exclaims, hugging her tightly. “Bekka wondered about you two, but I had no idea what was happening. I didn’t get a hint but now it is radiating from both of you strongly. I guess my powers are not always present.”
Layla looks thoughtful. “We didn’t know until we kissed. It was instantaneous when we kissed. I was attracted to him and him to me. The pull was there to be with him. I didn’t recognize it as his soul pulling me to him, though. Guess I had too many other things on my mind. It was truly beautiful Jamie.” arrives downstairs and congratulates Lee and Layla. He overheard Jamie’s description of their family and agrees, welcoming Lee and Layla. “I would love to stay and celebrate with you, but I have meetings in town."
He turns to Jamie, "Will you be here this afternoon? I need to meet with you about the case."
“Yes, I should be back this afternoon. I’ll text you when my class is over.” one is at the front desk when Damien arrives at the police station. He's been here a few times and knows his way around. He walks to the chief's office and knocks on the door.
Damien reveals all the information he has on the syndicate. He lets the chief know what he has planned and hopes he is able to assist. The chief knows Damien's background but wants his vice squad involved. They have been working hard to obtain evidence on the syndicate. The group spends several hours reviewing Damien's chosen plan. Some additions are made to the plan. Damien will talk with Jamie later today and meet with the team tomorrow to finalize details. arrives home before Damien and spends time on his computer while he waits. He completes the list of ingredients as well as the various recipes that must be tested.
After finishing, Jamie stands and gazes out the window at the rainbow in the sky. It appears to be so close that he could almost touch it. He glimpses Damien pull up in his new car and waits in the entryway to greet him. and Bekka raid the attic to find a double bed for her and Lee to share. “It seems like love is all around us right now.”
“Yes, I never expected to find my soulmate after so many years. I’m so happy and yet so conflicted about what to do. Lee tells me he will support whatever I decide. I'm going to have to make a choice.”
“Search your heart Layla and decide what will make you happiest.”
Layla appears thoughtful. “One of the happier times in my life was with Jerich and the children. We were not soulmates. He had lost his mate a few years before we met. We loved each other very much though. I helped raise your Mom and her brothers and sisters. The visions started after they were grown and had moved out. Jerich encouraged me to follow the visions and become the Oracle. He wanted me to experience all of what life had for me. He knew my soulmate was out there somewhere. He also thought I would miss finding my mate staying with him.”
“Mom always said they were lucky to have you in their lives. He was a good father but became a much better one after you entered their lives. You taught him how to love again.”
Tears fall as they talk and reminisce. “Thank you for telling me that. I tried coming to all the mating ceremonies and only missed your Uncle Chase’s. I met his bride later. I was at your parents' vigil, but they had you sedated so we didn't meet." hugs Bekka after they complete the room. "It looks very comfortable. Thank you. You've given me much to think about. I'm going to go upstairs and do just that." Up in the attic Layla prepares her carpet and candles. Sitting on the rug, she clears her mind with practiced ease. Taking deep breaths, her heart rate slows and becomes barely perceptible. Her body systems slow down as she prepares to enter the Fates realm.
Her soul escapes her body and enters the realm. She searches for the Fates who are usually waiting for her. She cannot find them. She calls them but they do not come. She travels through their kingdom searching. Finally, tired and confused she seeks her body and enters. She takes a deep breath and another until her breathing and heartbeat are back to normal.
Opening her eyes, she is exhausted and bewildered. Where are the Fates? She crawls on the bed and closes her eyes, falling asleep instantly. works in the basement unloading the martial arts equipment, sparring mats, and other things that Jamie sent home from Shang Simla. Bekka arrives to complete the decorating so the room will be more comfortable to use. The basement room was originally used as a family room with pool tables and other things to enjoy during the harsh winters. She leaves the original wall coverings but gives them a thorough cleaning with her powers and they shine bright with all the dust and grime gone. She adds dragon panels to one wall that she found in Mary’s attic. She is not sure what Mary planned for them but they seem perfect in this room. The carpet is threadbare and faded. She replaces the carpet, and Lee suggests placing the sparring mats in the middle of the floor.
Jamie and Damien’s original workout equipment meets with Lee’s approval and he and Bekka work together placing the equipment around the room. The shower is updated, and a locker is placed for towels and clothing.
Lee looks around the room with approval. “This will be a wonderful place to workout as well as meditate when the weather is bad outside.”
“I may have to come train with you as well.” Bekka smiles with satisfaction. The room looks just as Damien sketched except with the addition of the martial arts equipment.
“It would benefit all to learn. I’m going to talk with Damien about starting sessions with him.”
“Thanks so much for helping Lee. The work went by quickly with your help. I need to get ready for dinner with my Godparents.”