Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
Jamie and Bekka meet Catarina and Renauld at the Bistro. They eat outside because the evening is so pleasant. The dinner arrives before Bekka has a chance to explain about the soulmate relationship. As they eat, they chat about many things. Renauld inquires about Mary, and Jamie explains what happened and their hopes for the full moon.
Catarina picks up her napkins and pats her lips. She takes a sip of her nectar and remarks, “The new chef has lived up to his reputation. This is a delicious meal. I hope your meal is as tasty and well-seasoned as mine. You know how much we enjoy getting together with you, Bekka. We appreciate you inviting us." She glances first at Bekka, then at Jamie. "It's also enjoyable for us to get to know your friends." picks up her glass and takes a sip of her nectar. Jamie takes a generous gulp of his. He slips his hand under the table and gently caresses her palm with his thumb as he grips her hand.
“We wanted to share our wonderful news with you. The Fates have shown us that Jamie and I are soulmates.”
Renauld looks up from his plate and murmurs “Congratulations” and goes back to eating.
“What took you so long to figure it out?" Catarina asks as she picks up the desert menu. "I knew it when I saw you together at the wedding.”
Bekka stares at her Godmother with her mouth open too stunned to comment.
Jamie observes Catarina in amazement and awe. “You sure know how to conceal things!"
“I have to, I am a politician.” Catarina beams at him triumphantly. finally recovers and answers her question. “Jamie knew right away, but we had a rocky start and I was dealing with all the other stuff too. I knew as soon as he was leaving for Shang Simla that he was mine.
“Jamie, I do believe the Fates typically know what they are doing when putting a couple together. I don’t know you well, but from what I have observed you are the perfect one for her. I am puzzled, though. You are not an occult. How would you know you are Bekka’s soulmate when she didn’t even know for quite some time?”
“Catarina, thank you for your confidence. I know Bekka is perfect for me. Bekka thinks I have some occult ancestry. I have always possessed an ability to sense things about people. I also feel suffering and emotional distress. I can alleviate the distress by taking the emotions into me. Bekka thinks I am an empath. Once things are resolved with Mary, I may investigate it. It is not a priority right now.” He shrugs his shoulders.
“That is extremely interesting. It is similar in Renauld’s family. There have been various occult in his ancestry. Every generation or so someone develops certain abilities. No one in the current generation is showing any signs of abilities.”
Catarina barely takes a breath when she asks, “When is the wedding?”
"Sheesh, Godmother, let him propose before you start planning things.”
“Oh, am I getting ahead of things? I do seem to do that.” She looks at them, unapologetic.
Renauld nods at Catarina, "You do keep us all organized my dear." He continues eating as he pats her thigh with his free hand.
Jamie looks thoughtful. “She is already mine and I am hers. We could go to the courthouse and make it official tomorrow if it was up to me. But that may not be what Bekka wants to do.”
Bekka leans over and kisses Jamie lightly on the lips. “I’ve never wanted a formal wedding like some girls dream of. A simple ceremony with a few friends and family. Mary and Damien had a beautiful simple wedding. I'd like to wait until Mary's situation is resolved. I want her to come." the meal they walk in the courtyard and chat before leaving. Catarina hugs Bekka and reminds her that she is very good at planning weddings, simple or big.
Renauld approaches Jamie “As Bekka’s soulmate you are now a member of the family. Please join us for our Sunday brunches that we host for family and friends. Attendance is not mandatory, but we would all like to know you better.”
“Thank you sir. I appreciate it and look forward to meeting the others in the family.” advances enough to receive his yellow belt. Lee commends him and decides they will train more tomorrow. “Let's go find a snack.” comes downstairs after resting and finds Bekka and Jamie arriving home. “We are going to have a snack. Would you like to join us?”
“Yes, thank you. Didn't you go out to eat?”
Jamie nods, "Yes, we went to the bistro. The food was delicious and very artfully arranged. But the serving was tiny and I'm still hungry. It was very fancy and delicious, but not enough. Jamie pokes his head in the refrigerator. "Does cherry cobbler sound good?"
Layla and Bekka respond with a "yes" and follow Jamie into the kitchen. and Lee return from their session in good spirits. Damien walks into the house laughing at a joke Lee told. In the kitchen Jamie could hear his laughter. He smiled contentedly, knowing Damien was coming back to them.
As he cut the cobbler, he called out to them to join them in the kitchen.
Layla seems a little quiet and tense and Bekka asks if she is ok. “Oh, yes. I’m fine. I think I'm still a little groggy from my nap."
They relax at the kitchen table, enjoying each other's company as well as the delicious cobbler. Damien and Lee tell Jamie about the training session. Damien remembers to tell Bekka how awesome the gym looks. "It looks better than I envisioned. Thank you so much."
Jamie is all set to go to the basement. He is torn between finishing his cherry cobbler first or taking it with him. “Finish your cobbler, and I’ll go with you,” Bekka tells him. “No eating in the gym.” Everyone laughs at the face Jamie makes. takes Lee by the hand and leads him upstairs to check out the room and the new bed. Before going upstairs, Damien goes outside to say goodnight to Mary. Jamie and Bekka go to the basement. "Bekka, this is an amazing room! I wasn't sure about Damien wanting to keep those walls, but you made it work." He runs around the room checking out all the equipment and then finds the locker and changes into his gi. tries to remember what he learned in Shang Simla and strikes the training dummy as he was taught. Bekka watches and thinks he looks very sexy beating up on the wooden dummy. She is quite turned on watching him.“Jamie, my love, how about coming with me. I want to show you a few more things in the gym.” She leads him over to the locker.
“Honey, I saw the locker. That is where I got my gi.”
“She just smiles. Follow me.”
Soon much laughter, giggles and other sounds come from the wardrobe. and Layla are upstairs relaxing in the new bed. Lee cradles her in his arms and kisses her softly. “Now, tell me what is bothering you.”
Layla peers at him curiously. “I'm not going to be able to hide anything from you, am I?
“No, my dear. We are now a part of each other. What hurts you, hurts me. If you need it, I will try giving you some space and time. My instinct will be to help you or even fix the problem for you though.”
Layla closes her eyes, safe and secure in his arms because of his love.
'How did I ever live without him?' she wonders.
'I didn't, I just went through the motions. I didn't live.'"I tried to contact the Fates this afternoon. I entered the realm as I always do and they were not there. I could not find them anywhere. I floated through the realm searching for them. It is not a big place, but they were nowhere to be found. I finally needed to return to my body. Lee, this has never happened before. If they decided I am not the Oracle any longer, I should not be able to get into the realm. I'm concerned and puzzled."
"That is indeed puzzling. But surely they do travel around and visit other realms?"
"Yes, I suppose that is true. There have been a few times when they were not present when I arrived. They came very quickly after though."
Lee looks thoughtful. "When you try again, will you let me be with you?"
"Yes, of course." pulls Layla onto his lap.
"Do you still want to be the Oracle? You know I will support whatever you decide."
Layla wiggles a little, enjoying lying across Lee like this. "I had a really good talk with Bekka today. She reminded me to search my heart and decide what will make me happy. I know one of the happier times in my life was raising her Mom and the others."
"I thought about that a lot today. I don’t want to be Oracle Lee. I turned into someone not very likable and I don’t want to be that person again. I want to have a family with you and raise our children. I want to help you if I can with what you do for others."
"I would also like to train the next Oracle. No one trained me and learning on your own doesn’t work very well. No Oracle deserves to be treated as I was. I should have handled things better though, and hopefully I will be a better teacher because of what I went through. The Oracle also needs protection from clients like the Pixie who cursed me. I was hoping to talk with the Fates today about my ideas.
Lee's heart feels as if it will burst with happiness as he pictures Layla pregnant with their child and working side by side to raise their family as well as help others. He never imagined he would be lucky enough to have a soulmate, let alone children. looks at her with so much love in his eyes. He is so proud of her for making this very difficult decision and still wants to work to help the next Oracle. He scoots off the bed, picks her up and swings her around in his arms. "You’ve made me unbelievably happy by hearing that you want to have a family with me." sits her down on the bed and nuzzles her neck as he relaxes next to her. "I love you so much!"
"That feels so good! I've known about soulmates all my life, seen them, met them, worked with them. Until now I never understood the true bonding that takes place. I love you!" fall back against the pillows, wrapped in each other's arms.
"Lee, what was your plan for your life, before me?"
"Exactly what I was doing, helping others with my magic."
"With all your knowledge and masters, you never wanted to be part of the council?"
"No. I love learning and teaching. That is why I have all the masters. As a member of the council, all you do is administrative work, pass laws, pass judgement on witches who have done wrong, and pass sentences. That is not what I wanted for my life."
"Did you want a family, children?"
"Of course, in my dreams I did wish for my soulmate and a family. I did not expect it to happen though, since I lived such a solitary life when I wasn’t working. I didn’t date much after leaving school. My life was pretty boring by most standards, but I was happy enough on my own. I never truly expected the Fates to honor me with a mate so early in life." watches her face, fascinated by how her expressions change. The love that shines brightly in her eyes is just for him. He knows he is the luckiest and happiest man in the world.
"Enough talk, my love. Let’s start making babies! "
Layla giggles as they dive under the covers. She knows she is the luckiest and happiest woman in the world.