@meerkattime I glad you've caught up! :smiley: :heart:
I love the poses on that site. I think I have most of them. :blush:
I really like having new sims added to stories or just in general in a save. It kinda adds to that feeling of reality as new people come and go in all our lives so it does in sims, except...I don't seem to be able to let them go. :grin:
Yeah, Jerich was special and I think she was lucky to have him early in her life even without him being her soulmate.
Thanks! :heart: I enjoyed building the martial arts room.
The plan is kinda risky. :grimace: I expect any kind of undercover operation would be. I'm hoping magic will keep him safe.
Catarina surprised them by knowing :grin: hehe she doesn't like Bekka's motorcycle either. Wonder if she likes trucks?
I agree that Layla will be happier helping the new Oracle. I hope the Fates will be good with that too!
I just got one of those fancy 'smart' watches as a 5 year gift from one of the companies I work for. I had to have my son show me how to take it apart to charge it and program it! :open_mouth: I'm such a techno-illiterate.
I kinda think they know how to work them better than me! :grin:
Thanks so much for reading and all your fun comments made me smile happily. :smiley: