Ooohkay, I think I have to step in to avoid too many speculations. :D
Instead of going through all your comments sentence for sentence @DivaDoodle and @BlackSand I just give an overall comment of Tyler, Thore and Stella´s behavior.
Because we will see Stella later on I can´t say too many about why she wanted/wants Tyler back so desperately, you´ll have to wait until this chapter is written. o:)
Ok, to Thore: he was not even aware that he hurted Tyler with his actions. He just saw his needs and wanted to fullfill them. He didn´t think one bit about the consequences.
Maybe he thought that Tyler didn´t mind that he flirted with his wife, because at first Tyler didn´t even say a word to him that he didn´t want Thore to flirt with his wife. So Thore thought that he was doing nothing wrong.
He is very selfish and egoistic sometimes and because he always got everything he wanted in the past by his dads he thought that he had the right to do whatever he wanted.
Remember that Thore and Seth were sent to Roaring Heights by Haldir to look after the family business there? That was because Haldir and Travis saw that their son had to learn some humility and that he had to stand by his family.
But he didn´t learn so much and when he came back he just went on with his affair.
Was he in love with Stella? He didn´t even know, but he liked to woohoo with her, that´s for sure.
Only when Travis intervened and told him that he had betrayed his brother and that he (Travis) wouldn´t accept this behavior anymore and that he (Thore) was shortly before getting kicked out of the house and stopped being paid for/getting no more money from his dads, then Thore began to think about his actions and because he loved the money more than Stella, he stopped the affair and apologized to Tyler.
At that time he didn´t even understand how much he had hurted his brother and his dads with his behavior. Only when Tyler ran away completely he began to think that he was doing wrong to Tyler and THEN they could get a new relationship to each other, although Tyler doesn´t trust Thore one bit...
To Stella: yes, she was lonely in their marriage, even before Tyler was bewitched and cheated her with Big Boobs Lady.
Tyler is a loner and doesn´t talk much about problems, worries and hardships or about (god forbid!) feelings.
So of course it is hard to lead a good relationship with someone like this because the other part of the couple has always have to do this work cause the loner won´t talk about problems, a loner just thinks about that said problems on his/her own without talking much with his/her partner. The other has to guess sometimes about how the partner feels.
In the first years of their marriage (more than 30 years!!! stay in mind that their oldest son is over 30, married himself and having a few kids!) Tyler talked about everything with Stella, when she wanted him to do so, but that changed over the last years, way before he cheated on her with BBL.
But he couldn´t stand her behavior of wanting to talk out everything. (remember when she wanted Taius to get married and Tyler thought that she was like a pitbull?)
So because he was a bit annoyed by her forcing him to talk about problems which for him weren´t problems he then stopped talking at all. He has deep thoughts (genius!) but isn´t able/doesn´t want to formulate them loud and Stella lost her patience with him.
She wanted him to tell his thoughts and wanted that desperately, so she always tried to force him to tell her.
She didn´t notice that he wasn´t able to do so or/and that he didn´t want to say something.
At some point in their marriage she was fed up by his behavior, not noticing that he COULDN´T talk, but thinking he WOULDN`T talk to her.
She frogot that he behaved like that even before they married. He even told her before they´ve married that he wasn´t able to talk about feelings, she ingnored that and thought that she could change him during the years. But instead of changing him to be able to talk to her more she pushed him to a corner where he didn´t want to talk to her at all.
She didn´t notice that because she wanted him to talk she only achieved the opposite.
So both of them drifted apart.
She thought of how she could get him back, because she still loved him so she came to the conclusion that a baby could bring him back to her because he was so lovingly with her when she was pregnant once.
But when he didn´t respond to her and her pregnancy as she planned she began to get very angry and couldn´t see that Tyler had severe problems.
So it was her revenge to him when the smudgy vampire called for ransom and she denied it. She was a bit too harsh, maybe because of her pregnancy hormones.
And because he didn´t react to her at all, she turned to someone who did, Thore.
Maybe she wanted to be seen as a woman again, maybe she was just lonely and Thore gave her warmth and company or maby she just wanted to woohoo, because she and Tyler didn´t woohoo anymore, well, I don´t know... o:)
To Tyler: from his teenage years on he had depresssions. He suffered from disthymic disorder, that means that he will have this depressions lifelong. Moreover this depression comes in waves, it lasts up to two years where the patient suffers from bad thoughts, awful feelings or no feelings at all. Then the depression vanishes for some time before it comes back again.
Through his worst times Haldir could brew a potion which helped Tyler to get through the days and live a moderately good life.
Stelly knew that but during all their years together she seemed to have lost her patience with him because she couldn´t see/understand that he has to go through that long episodes of despair again and again. She could never understand why he didn´t just pull himself together and fight the depression. She didn´t understand that he was ill, she just thought that he had a mood swing and didn´t want to get better.
But Tyler pulled himself together soooo much! He managed to get up in the morning and to be there for his boys and to be there for her (which was getting less and less after he could see that she didn´t have any understanding for his situation).
But after so many years of returning depressions he couldn´t stand her and her lack of appreciation anymore so he closed himself to her even more.
Unfortunately he didn´t get professional help, he always denied it when his dads wanted him to go to a psycologist.
So when he saw Stella flirting with his brother he wasn´t bothered at first, because he didn´t mind anymore what she was doing. He stopped feeling something (for her) a long time ago.
But he got angry because he couldn´t accept that his brother betrayed him, that was something he could clearly feel that this was false.
Furthermore the dark worked in him and the incomplete suppressed memories made him more and more desperate. And because he couldn´t talk about anything what went through his mind and what went on he ran/rode away instead of talking with Stella about their relationship.
At the time she began flirting with Thore Tyler didn´t feel much other than fear and desperation so when he saw them flirting he didn´t react to that, because he couldn´t feel anything on the one side and on the other side he didn´t mind anymore.
I am sorry that I didn´t mention the depressions of Tyler earlier. It wasn´t planned by me that this story would have made such a turn in it´s narrative structure. And neither did I thought that I would write this story still!
All the trouble with Thore and Stella wasn´t planned by me, it was the game which changed the story!
I just went with what the game gave me and adjusted my story to it.
So when the story changed I didn´t know where it would lead me to, which lead to the lack of knowledge about Tyler and his depressions and about Stella and her feelings.
At that time I didn´t even know if they would come together again...
To the gameplay: Tyler has the No Jealousy reward, Stella not. He got the read minus everytime she flirted with Thore in his sight. The picture of Thore and Stella flirting in front of Travis where Travis reacts to them: they´ve got the red minus, all of them, but I didn´t post that picture. It didn´t fit in the story.... :*
But: he always wanted to talk to her about this happenings and he always forgave her, not very pleased but he forgave her.
But when she flirted with Thore at the engagement party of their son Taius he was fed up, especially because they woohooed before they´ve flirted in front of him.... (see their clothes? They wear everyday outfits, while all the other guests, including Tyler, Haldir and Travis wear evening dresses...) He just had enough and divorced from her ON HIS OWN! I´ve never had an active Sim to do this ON HIS/HER OWN!!!!
I couldn´t do anything about that, I was just sitting in front of my screen and watch him doing that, I couldn´t even cancel his action! And they weren´t in the red in their relationship either before he divorced!!!!
He was just fed up with her.
All I could do was thinking of deleting this game session or if I would work with it...
Up to this days he doesn´t talk to Thore on its own, he just talks to Thore when his brother initiates the talk... He can´t get over Thore`s betrayal. It hurts him too much.
So: there is a difference between gameplay and my story. I play the game, take pictures and go losely with the story the game provides. Furthermore I take thousands of pictures and search for the "perfect" picture which could be posted to illustrate the story.
The only time the game couldn´t provide me with pictures was when I wrote about the ceremonies, there I had to use Pose Player to show what happened.
But normally I have taken enough pictures to get THEE picture which shows exactly what I am writing about.
At the beginning of my story it was exactly the opposite. I took pictures and posted what the pictures showed.
I hope I could provide a little bit of clarity and didn´t confuse everybody even more, if so, feel free to ask me where I should provide more clarity! I konw that my style of writing and explaining could be confusing sometimes.