"igazor;c-17706127" wrote:
@izecson - That's incoming tourism in the first instance and I think (?) sims in the process of eimgrating/being culled from the world in the second. Tourism can be allowed or gated by NRaas Register, emigration is controlled by NRaas StoryProgression.
What was being asked about was resident household sims taking a vacation trip to another world on their own while inactive and returning while active gameplay remains entirely in the same world but with other households. That can't happen.
Im not so sure about this one myself, because my sims had a bestie and he wished to invite him to a wedding party but he is not in the guest list, when i look at the relationship bar he is nowhere to be found, but i eventually found him in the way way right side, the part where it's reserved for sims in another town like china, france and egypt. so i invited him to come over the next day i checked his household member with master controller and all the members were isla paradiso premade sims.
Though after this invite over thing, he stays in the sunset valley but as a townie, no longer has a house and no longer went back to another town.
Not sure which one of my mods that did this, but I do visited isla paradiso once earlier, long before this sims even exist in the game.
he used to have a home in sunset valley and and a spouse, the spouse still stay in the town but already married to someone else in the town.