Forum Discussion

NikkeiSimmer's avatar
7 years ago

Can you upgrade from Dragon Valley (base expansion world) to Gold?

I know that you get Celtic Lands and 1900 simpoints as opposed to 100SimPoints if you get just the base world.

3 Replies

  • suzses's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago
    They did make a way to do this, basically, for worlds where the extra gold content was a venue - and/or premium content maybe - by making that set available for separate purchase. I picked up the spa for my standard Sunlit Tides that way. It looks as though Celtic Lands may have remained the big exception to that, though. I also realize you'd be getting a discount on the cost of the simpoints if you could upgrade to gold. You could always try talking to customer support. You'd have a good argument, imo.
  • Thanks, @suzses It's just that @Featherbelle found Dragon Valley on CD-ROM at London Drugs (where she works) so she's planning on getting the base world from there. I guess we could try the upgrade option by talking to the CS when she wants to upgrade to gold. I'm holding off on DV for now in favor of getting Showtime (my sim wants to golf - use the driving range? :D :thumbsup: I love golf. :D If I was rich, I'd grab myself a set of clubs and learn.)
  • suzses's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago
    For whatever it's worth, I saw this earlier while I was trying to find out if anything had changed with how they were handling DV sales. See the first response to the OP.