Actively Creating
Lissykin - Status: Secretary, Available |
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StudioHi, I'm Lissykin and I love The Sims! I've played since the beginning and am totally addicted. I love to build unique, realistic, and game play-tested community and residential lots of every style; especially Victorians and Moderns. A little about me: I'm an artist, pianist, and sometimes writer. Happy Simming!
sashraf - Status: Unavailable |
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StudioHi! I'm sashraf or She (Sheila). I love to build homes from starters to mansions. My favorite types of houses are Contemporary, Victorian, Cottages, and Beach Houses. I have all EPs and SPs and most of the Store, but still enjoy building base game houses. My game is free of custom content and mods. Check out my studio and the pictures in the download links!
itguyinsc - Status: Unavailable |
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StudioKnown to simming friends as "itguyinsc," you may be surprised to know I am not a "guy." My husband gifted me The Sims 3 for Valentine's Day 2010 (reason for name). Since then, I have been busy building and decorating homes. Occasionally I play but I mostly build. I am probably older than most of the team and have 3 sons, 1 husband and a cat! My degree is in Commercial Art, but I am currently a SAHM. It's great to be a part of this amazing team.
romagi1 - Status: Available |
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StudioHi all! I'm romagi, I'll answer to Rox too! I started with TS2 and found I really liked to build. Still love to build in TS3 but I also enjoy making simmies. I do play the game occasionally so I like to keep playability in mind. I prefer residential builds but I can't say I have a favorite style. I don't use build CC anymore but I do/can use simmie CC if I feel it is safe, package style only.
WrathofCath - Status: Unvailable |
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StudioHi, I'm Cath! I'm a long time Sims player, but fairly new to building. It has completely taken over my desire to play! I mostly build residential homes, and do not use any CC. I love fairytale and Craftsman styles best, but have also fallen in love with some moderns. I have not tried a lot of other styles but am in no way opposed to building one, as long as I have at least one picture to go by. If I can see it, I can probably build it, within reason, lol! I'm excited to be part of this very talented group of builders!
BreeMiles - Status: Available |
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StudioHi, I'm Bree Miles, just call me Bree. I'm a late bloomer for The Sims, and I have found my favorite part is building; I love learning new ways to create builds. My studio has a lot of different styles, but I have always loved Colonial/Victorian style homes. I have done a few beach homes and modern homes and love them, also. It will be an honor to build for you and your Sim. (I am CC-free.)
aricarai - Status: Available |
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StudioHowdy do! I'm Arica, but you can also call me Ari. I have been Simming since the beginning, but didn't begin to build until Sims 2; interior design/layout is my favorite part. I love many styles of building, especially modern, beachy, cottage, and traditional that are small-to-medium size in order to bring realism and functionality to the game. I also enjoy creating Sims and I'm a bit of a storyteller. I look forward to working with such an inspiring bunch of people and creating something special for YOU!
AIRIS6962 - Status: Available |
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StudioHello! You can call me Airis or Inma (my real name). I've played Sims since TS2. I love challenges, so I dare almost always!! LOL I prefer building small or medium lots. I love making starter houses and recreating people or characters in Sims. I have not used CC or CAP for a long time. All my lots are play-tested and checked with Custard before being uploaded. I am a creator, but a player also, so everything I build is playable, unless you prefer otherwise!
Sandraelle - Status: Available |
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StudioHello, call me Sandra or Sandy. My favorite part of this game has always been creating. My love for it really kicked in when Sims 3 came out, as I am obsessed with that color wheel and spend way too much time in CAS! I aim for realistic looking builds and I’m a stickler for details, therefore I’m not the fastest builder. I build a lot of different styles (except futuristic/fantasy) and discovered I have a fascination for modern architecture (contrary to RL!). And I am CC free!
soocoolsim - Status: Available |
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StudioHi, I'm Paula otherwise known as Soocoolsim. I'm Canadian and caught the building bug with the Sims 2. I easily made the transition to Sims 3 but am not yet into Sims 4. My creations range from traditional to semi-modern homes to themed community lots and CFE sculpted builds. I own all the standard store items, Sims 3 EPs and SPs and my builds are CC free. I'm honoured to be part of the DNA team helping to bring your ideas from inspiration to pixel reality :-)
illusie - Status: Available |
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StudioHi! I'm Lusie. I really love to build and always try to make my builds feel like homes. My favourite style is cottage-like, but I love to try new styles too. Sadly, my laptop acts up when I build on large plots, so I prefer 40x40 or smaller. Another thing I love is making Sims. Especially making look-alikes is something I enjoy. I never use CC. I'm looking forward to your requests! {hugs}
TheDismalSimmer - Status: Available |
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GallerySul sul! I am TheDismalSimmer, but you can just call me TDS. I enjoy building all sorts of houses, and try my best to include a large variety of architectural styles. Generally I have a function over form philosophy, but aesthetics are certainly important and I love the landscaping aspect of building. I am honored to be among talented creators of the D.N.A. team, and am always ready to help you build the perfect home for your sims.
masajo - Status: Available |
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GalleryHello, I’m Christine aka masajo on the Forums and Cevans1962 (Origin ID). I started simming towards the end of S1 and was ‘hooked’ straightaway! The building bug started soon after and has grown to where we are now. I enjoy the challenge of any type or style of build and never use CC in any of my creations which are all thoroughly playtested. I feel very honoured and excited to be part of this incredibly talented team and look forward to carrying out requests.
On Hiatus
calmorezoo - Status: Inactive |
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StudioHello Simmers, I'm calmorezoo. I've been simming since the beginning, but only fully got into it with The Sims 2. I am what you would call an "all-rounder," creative-wise. I enjoy making Sims and pets, and I build anything from Tudor to ultra modern. I'm a CC-free Simmer who has all the current EPs and SPs and a ton of Store content. If anyone wants a The Sims 2 house re-creation, I'm your girl as I still play. (My time zone is GMT.)
suepea - Status: Inactive |
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StudioI’m Sue Pea. I was bitten by the Sims 3 bug about 3 years ago when I discovered that Sims was not only a fun game but a truly creative outlet. Since then I have been completely hooked. While I love spending time creating and guiding my Sim families, my real love is building intricate and realistic places for them to live and play. I am looking forward to pushing my creative edge and creating environments for other players and their Sims to enjoy.
Idontrcall - Status: Inactive |
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StudioHello! You may call me Lala. I am a long-time simmer who enjoys building homes and creating Sims as much as playing the game. I love to challenge myself with all types of architectural styles, small or large, and take great care in creating environments that can immerse the simmer in the theme of the build. I playtest all lots thoroughly and make every effort to see that the build works as intended. I also enjoy creating detailed Sims with vibrant personalities. I do not use CC. I look forward to working with you!
Kementari - Status: Inactive |
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StudioHi there! I'm Kem. I have always loved Interior Design and that is how I became addicted to the Sims. I don't really have a favorite architectural style, I like to build them all! I have a soft spot for community lots and landscaping, but my biggest love is decorating. I like to make my homes look as realistic as possible. All my builds are play-tested and checked with Custard. I do not use CC or CAP when creating.
ScarletPipper - Status: Inactive |
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GalleryHi, I'm ScarletPipper (or Scarlet-Simm on the Gallery) and I specialize in making builds for the Sims 4. I love making suburban family homes, though I'm open to creating all styles. From modern to victorian, I'm up to any challenge. I'm a relatively fast builder (depending on your definition of fast) usually getting things done in under a week, as long as it's not too large. I don't use any CC in my builds, but bb.moveobjects is my best friend. I hope I'll be able to make something just for you!
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