I hope I understand the topic right.
I love playing townies/premades, my longest save is with townies mixed with my sims.
But actually just recently I have started a new (and very copmlicated ) save of Sunset Valley premades and townies breeding, with the purpose of getting ahead as much as possible with the generations, and by this to explore how genetics change over time but with NO vanilla/ default /game generated sims* (*Except Gage Briody who has vanilla genes. ) The sims do not necassarily look good, but they must look interesting!!!
Currently I'm in generation 2 of this save, some of them were born with nraas SP, but most of them manually - I did rotation with households to make them try for baby, and many families were played sevral times so they'll have kids in different ages. Yes, I am a control freak.
I hope I could upload some pictures of my simmies, perhaps to the general thread, maybe tommorow.