Forum Discussion

  • I don't, sorry. Not sure if there is one, I'm still just shortening them and have been satisfied with that solution.
  • Maybe lower the mouth height a bit? I tend to do that with sims who have round faces.
  • I don't make female sims but if Annabeth lived in my household or was one of my sims friends I'd just shrink her eyes a little bit and move the mouth down slightly, she's quite pretty otherwise.

    For Carson, I would try to elongate his face by pulling the jaw and chin down to achieve a more oval face shape. This is the most important part for me because round pudgy faces make me think of children. Right now, he looks like a teenage boy transitioning into a man. I would shrink his eyes, even if I was going for a large eyes look. I would move the mouth lower as it looks too close to the nose. Then of course I'd tweak the rest because changing the eyes, jaw, or head shape/size always requires re adjusting the other features. Shrinking the eyes usually means having to pull them closer together, else get a bug eyed look. Lowering the jaw or making the chin longer will make the mouth look too high, changing head size and shape will make everything on the face look different. Also, maybe mods can fix this but the graphics for eyelashes in this game aren't great. The lashes are too thick and dark, making it look like he's wearing mascara. I always bring those down to pretty short but don't get rid of them because although that looks fine in CAS, it looks weird in the game world.
  • @Satanu_Reeves Do you have a link to a eyelash mod?! If so, I'm up for it! <3