Forum Discussion

Mused's avatar
7 years ago

How many residential lots is too many?

I've recently rediscovered CAW and a world that I started on years ago. I'm trying to revamp it and get it playable, but I'm not sure how many lots are too many. Generally, how many residential lots would you all suggest for a small/med world? I don't want to end up bogging it down by generating too many families, or not enough. Right now I'm at 30 homes and not sure if I should remove some or not.

6 Replies

  • I'm building my first world and have wondered about this. My world is medium sized and I decided 10 playable families was a good starting number. At the moment though I am concentrating on community lots more so I only have 12 or so residential lots, of which only 1 I have designated as a townie lot. Does this help at all?

    Good luck with the revamp. Look forward to seeing the world when it is finished.

  • "Bettyboop55;c-16608135" wrote:
    I'm building my first world and have wondered about this. My world is medium sized and I decided 10 playable families was a good starting number. At the moment though I am concentrating on community lots more so I only have 12 or so residential lots, of which only 1 I have designated as a townie lot. Does this help at all?

    Good luck with the revamp. Look forward to seeing the world when it is finished.


    Eep, maybe I should dial it back a bit then! I usually only play one family, but I populate my world with other sims (instead of random townies). I'm afraid of working so hard on this world and then being unable to play it because it's too fancy for my PC to handle :D
  • It depends on density of buildings and how many things are on each lot. If lots are extremly close to each other, they should be keep modest. And also buildings details in options should be like 2 or 3.

    If you going to build some big detailed mansion, build it somewhere very far from other houses. Big detailed mansions in town centre are not good idea.

    In medium worlds there is something around 80-100 lots. Usually more than half of them are community, but I like to keep 50/50 community/residential. :smile: Just test your world in game. If EA worlds doesn't lag or freeze you game, you PC should handle world with 80 lots.

    In small town you can spare space by putting rabbit holes in one lot, even in basement. Also for example by making consigment store and elixir shop in library, or swimming pool and gym in one lot.
  • There is no advantage to putting a pool and gym on the same lot. You will only get the mood buff for one. It can either be a gym or a pool - not both. Same with laundromat. Also Fire Station. Give it it's own lot. I think library & art gallery falls into this category as well.

    You can put one or more "rabbit holes" on lots and more then one register on lots that aren't rabbit holes. (Don't quote me on the registers). Example would be City Hall and Police Station. Or Stadium and School. I use the rabbit hole rugs and the equestrian and movie lot doors. I think combining a rabbit hole and registers on the same property may work but then the map tags will only show the rabbit hole. Someone with more knowledge of this can put there 2cents in on that as I'm not 100% sure.

    I think most medium sized worlds I've played have around 100 or so lots. Large worlds 150+. I would say small worlds have about 50-80, give or take a few. Also the larger the lot the more lag there least for me and my pc. I tend to only put 1 or 2 large houses/mansions (64x64). And I try to keep my commercial buildings smallish. I always feel it's a waste of space to have a huge buildings with very little stuff in them. I hate apartments/high rises for the same reason. I don't play on large worlds - it's just too much. I stick with small/med sized neighborhoods.

    Your mileage may vary but this is what I've learned from what I've researched and the way I play and build.
  • @KatyFernlily
    I mean, not every commercial lots should be mix up together. I wrote example with gym/swimming pool, because I didn't know swimming pool has any buff/moodlets. I know only about gym, library, and art gallery moodlets/buffs. Consignment store and elixir shop only require cashbox, and don't have buff/moodlets (at least visible) connected with lot type, so they can be "parasitic" to almost all types of lots.

    I think more important is quantity of stuff per lot and density of lots, than is't size. Game doesn't like cluttered lots close to each other. If lots are close to each other, it's better to keep them modest.

    Sometimes it's better to connect certain types of lots, than creating 60 commercial lots, just to have buff/moodlets. People from tumblr create small island-worlds with 20 lots, so it's not bad, that they are making 3in1 commercial lots. At least there is everything on these worlds.
  • I prefer to have my world exported from CAW without the lots though finished in every other way because lots can place backwards in CAW unexpectedly and it can also be easier to avoid issues like wandering and straying inactives if the world had no lots placed in CAW though they got added in the saves.I've exported Logan without any lots placed in CAW and those get placed in saves.I've also got a legacy in Evermore Falls which is blank in new games until lots get placed and built on.They work perfectly fine and I've had fewer issues with Evermore than I would with lots placed.