Worked for me. For a sim on the world lot and 2 other sims on a community. All 3 sims had both an option on the laptop (in inventory) and as a self-interaction. There are 2 tones to using the laptop here: surf web and play games. Wiki says UL is required. There was no interaction by clicking on the ground that I saw. I didn't try at the home lot (my sims are on vacation in Bridgeport and are staying at a base camp which is technically a community lot), that might be different.
edit: 2 sims had the laptop from UL, the other had the base game one.
edit2: I loaded up an older save back in the homeworld and they have both interactions on the home lot. I also use NRaas GoHere which add a 'Go To And..." interaction by clicking on the ground. One of the choices was to "Use Laptop Here". I'll have to try without GoHere installed and see what ground interactions I have.
edit3: Without GoHere there's no ground interaction to 'use laptop here' at all. Still have the self-interaction and the option on the laptop directly. Sorry, I don't have any advice to get the interaction to show up.