Forum Discussion

migitpoo73's avatar
4 years ago

Launcher isn't reading or loading any of my expansion or stuff packs I have installed. Help :(

Ok, I have had this problem for about 2 months now. I uninstalled the base game and all of my expansions and stuff packs. After everything was uninstalled I went to my Electronic Arts folder via Documents and deleted the Sims 3 folder. Reinstalled the base game and my expansions and stuff packs all of them and it still isn't reading or loading any of my expansion or stuff packs :# In the launcher, they are simply not there! I have deleted my cache files, I deleted everything in my DCbackup expect for my ccmerged file and deleted my sim composite cache file and my composite cache file too. I still can not play with any of my stuff and expansion packs. Please does anyone know what the Hell :# I am doing wrong? I am so sick of this problem. My next step is to take my PC back to my computer guy to see if he can help but if I can avoid that I am going to try too. I don't really have the money for him to do whatever he would have to do to fix it right now. I am sorry this is so long, I just don't know what else to do. Thank you guys for helping me out.
  • This is an Origin controlled TS3 install?

    May I ask please from where you originally purchased your TS3 packs? Were they retail discs, from Origin itself, or codes from another reseller (which one)? EA has this habit of deactivating codes that turn out to not be legitimate with no warning to the player; sometimes this is a mistake and sometimes not, but either way only customer service can verify if something like this has happened with your account.
  • Walmart is an authorized re-seller, but the base game isn't your issue anyway. My question was, were the expansion/stuff packs actually purchased through Origin or were the codes purchased elsewhere (, I'm making this up but there are a lot of unauthorized re-sellers out there) and brought to Origin to validate?

    If the purchases were all done through Origin itself, beyond the base game, then of course this concern doesn't apply. Or at least it shouldn't. I take it that an Origin Repair Game on TS3 doesn't help? If not, it still might be worth going through the customer support queue to see if there is something that can be or needs to be reset on the EA end of things.
  • I purchased the base game years ago at Walmart but after the last update for the sims 3, I just download it from Origin. Hope that helps. Thanks for your help. :)
  • Igazor

    They all were bought at Walmart years ago I still have them all on disks but I don"t need the disks to install after the last update. Yes, I did an Origin repair and no it didn't help. Thanks for trying to help I really appreciate it.