I should have realized that though :P I did play Fallout 4 which I think uses the same engine (Gamebryo) as TES 4 so do some other Bethesda releases these years.
I browsed through Amazon to find some price tags for those components, here's a brief list
For Graphic Cards
-I'll be going through NVIDIA cards, if you prefer AMD ones you can search for their equivalents. Price tags stripped from NVIDIA's official site, so use them for reference only.
-GTX 1060 is a decent choice these years for budget gaming PCs. That's USD$300.
-RTX 2060 for $50 more, it's faster and as a 20series card, it supports latest graphics techs which the games we mentioned don't actually support. And that's 350 bucks.
-GTX 1660 and 1660 Ti (I recommend 1660 Ti better), a result of price war on budget graphic cards btween NVIDIA and AMD. GTX 1660 Ti is fater than aforementioned cards. Quite cheap for a price of $280. I'm unsure of the downsides though. You might want to google that.
-GTX 1070 and RTX 2070 for $330 and $530 respectively, they are less ''budget'' compared to 60s, much like toilets with caps, ahem, excuse me. But they can surely help with getting higher graphics settings.
-If you want to go extra miles, go with 2080 Ti. $1300 from what I saw. I actually planend to get one like this myself.
-There are other options like GTX 1080 Ti and RTX 2080, but these aren't optimal choices so I skipped them, should be interested in them, the Internet can help.
For CPUs
-You can pick between either Intel or AMD for that, I personally uses Intel. I dunno much about these things.
-I recommend something at least i7-7700, such as 8700, which is around $300.
-There are versions with a K, like 8700K, which provides better clock speed, especially if you go for overclocking. They'll cost $60 more though, but can worth the risk, right?
For RAM(Memory)
-2x8GB sticks or a single 16GB. Much like difference between single and double channels, 2 sticks theorectically runs smoother - Be sure to take them in the exact same model though.
-I recommend 2400MHz DDR4 RAMs,even though 3000MHz is better but rather unnecessary.
For Motherboard
-Double check to ensure every other parts you pick fits it.
Do notice that pre-built PCs often have warranties while custom builds may not.
And if anyone do happen to find out something wrong with my statements, point it out for me. :)