Forum Discussion

astridentanja's avatar
6 years ago

NRaas question: adventurers in CAS

My sim is in France and many adventurers and investigators (not sure if that’s what they’re called in English, I mean the sims that stay in the basecamp) turn up in the weirdest clothes. Problem is, when I click on them to change them (NRaas>>Mastercontroller>>Advanced), there is no option to take them into CAS. There is when I use testingcheatsenabled true, but... is there a good reason I can’t with MC? Don’t want to corrupt my game.
  • It should not be possible to bring a sim that is foreign to the world currently being simulated into CAS or any of its subsets (Stylist, Change Appearance, Plan Outfit) by way of MasterController or the EA ways with testingcheats. Of course we cannot make them actively played either, these are not the full-fledged copies of sims you are seeing wandering around in goofy outfits, these are scaled down mini-sim versions of the real sims who are back in their own homeworlds.

    It's interesting that you can bring these sims into EA's testingcheats CAS though. I don't think you will corrupt the sims if you really can fix their outfits that way, but I wouldn't expect any changes you make to successfully be transferred back to the full sims in their homeworlds. I can understand wanting to try, some of the randomly generated travel outfits are awful and sometimes I see such sims ending up with partially transparent what looks like graduation robes that really aren't meant to be seen, though only while they remain tourists/explorers.
  • Alas, when I tried to take them into CAS with testingcheats, I got a pop up that said it indeed wasn’t possible. I forgot about them being a copy, it’s silly they are attached to a homeworld isn’t it, because it’s not like they live there (in one of the houses I mean). And my own sim, who is a copy in France herself, I can take into CAS. Oh well, I’ll have to live with it I guess. One is wearing quite a daring combination I might say: a fairy dress from Supernatural with a winter hat :D

    Thank you :smiley:
  • Yeah, I think that's the game protecting us from our own creativity but as a result its own failure to preserve outfits across worlds in this case. It's probably for the best, though. If they are that distracting, you could try to use MC to send them back home or at least off the screen.

    Our actively being played sims are exempt from these things, we can always bring them into CAS and its subsets unless they are in the middle of going through some life-changing or supernatural transition.

    Not a terrifically helpful answer I suppose on my part, but you're welcome. :)
  • This is how it is and you’re not overlooking something is a helpful answer as well ;)
  • "ClarionOfJoy;c-17005120" wrote:
    Would it help if say Supernatural clothes were toggled off in MasterController so that the clothes from that EP were hidden? Or how about using the Dresser mod?

    Sorry, which problem would that be trying to solve? Sims who are foreign to the world actively being played do not have wardrobes. They arrive with temporary outfits in I think three categories and other temporary ones are automatically generated if they are needed along the way (like Swimwear or Formal). They cannot be put into CAS or its subsets.

    On Dresser I really don't know since I've never used that mod but my expectation is that it would skip over foreign visitors for the same reasons that CAS and Plan Outfit are blocked.
  • Oddly enough they do all wear supernatural clothes (the ones in weird clothes). But I haven’t been able to take adventurers into CAS as long as I can remember (I’ve tried in the past to change their faces and couldn’t), so I indeed think the being a clone thing is the cause.