I have read them all even read all the in game bios that differ from the Wiki.I think I have almost all memorized.Seriously not kidding.
But for a favorite as far as example of a chain,then Start with Lola Lancaster from Lucky Palms and follow the rabbit hole.She is a Showgirl basically killed her husband while pregnant by another man (Based off the song by Barry Mannilow,CopaCabana).Anyway then you see her daughter in the same town is just awful using a old elderly man Eli for his money and cheating on the side also starts pregnant by another guy Jaycen while telling Eli it is his then keep following the crumbs,Sims 3 in my opinion have some super fleshed out stories that intertwine even between worlds
Individual favorite is tied between
Katarina Stewart from Mikdnight Hollow who is creepy creeperton
:| Aislin Walsh from Dragon Valley,wow just wow,basically if you know the story of Sweeny Todd that Is her story dead serious
Start now and read a bunch a day from all sim worlds,wiki for it all then in game bios too