Forum Discussion

computertech82's avatar
5 years ago

Saved lots

Anyone happen to know where (what folder) lots are saved in?
  • They land in the Library folder. Each entry will have a cryptic hexcode looking name and correspond to one saved lot or household.
  • Families are what I meant by households and yes, they will be blended together with the lots. The best strategy for keeping them organized is to rename the coded file names with something more meaningful at the time they are saved to the bin and thus created, going by the files' creation dates. Unscrambling what is already there can be painful.
  • karritz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    If you click the 'Share' button for a lot you have in your Library it will be saved as a Sims3Pack file in the Exports folder. You won't have an Exports folder until you have clicked the Share button at least once to save a lot or a household in this way.
  • NikkeiSimmer's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    ...and are mixed up with the families that you save into the bin as well... so you're going to have a fun time trying to decipher what's what... if you have a mix in your bin. Hope you have S3pe.
  • NikkeiSimmer's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    I've done the S3pe route to find the SNAPS and boy oh boy is that a royal pain in the gluteous maximus.