Bottom line: the content is well worth it, I think. Yes, the world itself wasn't QC'd well and has issues. Front doors are inside a house or behind arches, so visitors are confused and can't route there. The castle is so huge that the events time out before anyone can get to the door. Sometimes tubs are blocked by toilets. Fences can trap spawned animals inside. One home has a small partially enclosed porch and the toddler will get trapped there. Another home has the stairs to the upstairs outside and a very cluttered lawn. Two sims are pregnant and still working. Houseboats might have been moving and not completely at port when the game was finalized. So, once the world is "fixed" by the player, it's a great world. I love it. I've even shared my save file so others can merely download my save(s), and load up their games to choose my save without having to fix all the stuff themselves. Click on the appropriate link in my siggie.