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CharlottesMom66's avatar
7 years ago

Struggles: The Life and Hard Times of Morgan Green (Sims 3)

**This story deals with emotional abuse, weight issues, and divorce, please skip this story if any of these issues cause you distress.

The Life and Hard Times of Morgan Green: Intro....

Morgan Green...35 Divorced, depressed, and eating herself to an early grave...

Morgan was the only child of an overbearing mother and an absent father, her mother insisted on Morgan excelling at school which was no problem for a bookworm and was a strait A student. Morgan was a bit shy back then, and only had 2 really close friends, and only a few boyfriends, none of which her mother approved of. Her mother was also very big into looks, Morgan had to be dressed stunningly and have full makeup from when she reached 13 years old. Morgan rebelled against her mother and her rules the second she stepped foot into her college dorm room and never looked back. It was a huge weight off her shoulders to just laze around makeupless and dressed in sweats, Morgan actually became a bit of a couch potato, and only got C's in College but she didn't care she was enjoying her life.

5 1/2 years ago:

Morgan met Timothy when she was celebrating her 30th Birthday, they were both laying on a beach while on vacation in Sunlit Tides, he started chatting with her and have been inseparable ever since...well until recently that is.

Morgan introduced Timothy to her mother and she actually approved, Morgan was stunned as her mother was very picky. Morgan and Timothy got married 6 months later in a private ceremony overlooking the ocean.

Life was wonderful...

One of the things Timothy loved most about Morgan was her appreciation of his cooking, he fancied himself a chef one day and loved cooking for her..

Even something as simple as hot dogs garnered great reviews from Morgan, she always joked she burned salad!

With all Timothy's cooking and Morgan's blissful happiness and feeling so comfortable in the marriage Morgan started slowly gaining weight. Timothy got a little bit of a gut too but he had joined the police academy and soon was very buff..Morgan hated exercise, she was naturally thin and never needed to exercise in the past...ever.

Timothy didn't seem to mind Morgan's extra ten pounds so Morgan didn't worry, they were still in the honeymoon phase and were very much attracted to each other..

3 years and 30 pounds later the weight wasn't so cute anymore, Morgan and Timothy both wanted children but nothing was happening, Timothy insisted it was Morgan's fault, well more percisely her weight gain that was causing her to not get pregnant.

Their sex life was very sparatic, one or twice a month at the most, and it was ususally due to Morgan starting things..

Morgan didn't know what was going on when Timothy jumped out of bed right after and took a shower then he went downstairs and never came back up to bed.

Timothy got a jolt of the guilts when he woke up on the couch at 3:00 AM and went back up to bed..

He left for work before she woke up and never bothered to kiss her goodbye.

2 more years passed Morgan and Timothy argued quite a bit but she just kept eating, she realized she wasn't doing herself or her marriage any favors but she just couldn't find it in herself to care.

Timothy was withdrawing from Morgan and was becoming more verbal about his disapproval of her weight, he tried to get her to join a gym but she kept insisting she just needed to stop eating so much.

Timothy had met Julia at work she was the assistant to his boss and was never shy about her affection for Timothy. They met at the diner for their first offical secret date.

She told Timothy about her recent divorce and he complained about his "fat, lazy" wife..

A few weeks later they met at a spot in the woods "just to talk"

Julia pounced...

"What should we do?" Timothy was a bit confused as to where this was headed..

"Timmy are you really that have to leave your wife, I want you all to myself" Julia pouted..

"Fine fine, I'll go break it off now.." he gave her a kiss and told her he'd call her leter that night.

Julia watched him go...she knew she would be Mrs. Green very soon.


Hope you like it so far, this was just a bit of back story...The real story starts after the divorce (next update)..


10 Replies

  • @Charlottesmom Great start! Not sure how I feel about Timothy finding another girl just because his wife got chubby but I am sure there's more to it than that.
    Not having kids could definitely have caused tension if that's what Timothy wanted and I imagine her childhood was no bed of roses. Can't wait to see the next update because you write feelings and motives very well :)
  • Enjoying the story already B! :) Can't wait to see what happens next!

    "Mikezumi;c-16429769" wrote:
    @Charlottesmom Great start! Not sure how I feel about Timothy finding another girl just because his wife got chubby but I am sure there's more to it than that.

    ^I'm with @Mikezumi on this...
    But sadly it does happen in real life (pretty much why my SIL's ex husband cheated on her. He was this evil jerk who wanted a trophy wife, but anyway!)
    Julia is definitely the home wrecker kind of gal huh? ;)
  • @emorrill @Mikezumi , Timothy's reaction to his wife's weight gain is directly from a "friend" I had a few years back (on the Lost board on iMDB) he had a wife who gained a bunch of weight (80lbs) after they were married for a few years. He was seriously considering divorcing her simply for that reason, he was a total pr*ick!

    Timothy (who is a quickie CAS version of Timothee Chalamet) is just a pr*ick and Julia (one of my favorite Sims ever) is a husband swiping bia*tch but they are not really the story just back story, the real story is how Morgan deals with everything.

    New update will most likely go up later today or tomorrow. :smiley:
  • It's great to see your stories happening again, i love your work. :smiley:

    I love how you base RL issues too, my daughter was faced with her fiance who broke off their engagement due to her gaining weight too, now she's lost a lot of it and still going and he's wanting her back... sucker!! I love stories like this esp if Morgan succeeds and he has to crawl back!

    I am curious where and how this will lead
  • Morgan Green Part 2:

    **This is not meant in any way shape or form to make fun of those who need to lose weight, in truth I myself I need to drop about 30 lbs so I'm dealing with this too, though my husband is a lot nicer than Timothy. I just want to illustrate a somewhat harsh case of emotional abuse.

    Everything Changes...

    Timothy stormed into the house and once again found his wife on the computer, he assumed she was playing video games again since she was too lazy to find a full time job, they fought constantly about her only having a part time job at the bookstore.

    "Why don't you get off your lazy a*ss and get a real job!" he yelled..

    "I was looking at job ads.." she quietly stammered. Morgan learned long ago yelling back at Timothy was not a good idea, he had never hit her or anything but she wouldn't put it past him, he has been a very angry person for the past two years or so.

    It was agreed when they got married that she would only have a part time job until she got pregnant then she could quit and be a stay at home mom, a job she wasn't sure she wanted. Timothy loved kids and wanted to have at least three. He was very angry Morgan was not getting pregnant, he blamed her fully. When Morgan suggested seeing a doctor about not getting pregnant, he told her SHE could go see a doctor because it wasn't his fault.

    "You know I hate doctors Timmy..."

    "You only hate them because you know they'll tell you to lose weight and you obviously don't want to do that!"

    "I lost 3 pounds last week..." Morgan whispered basically to herself.

    "Wow THREE whole pounds!! Call the newspapers..."

    "You're disgusting, I don't even want to look at you anymore!"

    Morgan started crying, how could Timothy be so cruel, she knew she looked an felt horrible but she was trying...

    "Why do you hate me so much...?" Morgan murmured soaking her hands in her tears..

    "Because you're not the girl I married anymore, you've completely let yourself go!"

    "What if I promise to lose weight?" Morgan tried to bargain...

    "It's not just the weight Morgan, you're totally unmotivated, you don't do anything fun, you have no goals in life, you're.......boring.....I just don't love you anymore."

    After a short pause he added.."I want a divorce..."

    Morgan was shocked, and mad!

    "Fine Timothy, I don't need you...I don't need this bull sh*it!!"

    "Good, go find a hotel somewhere to stay in.." Timothy offered..

    "It's my house Timothy, you get the he*ll out!!" she screamed...

    "Where an I supposed to live?" he yelled back...

    "I don't give a cr*ap just get out of my sight!"

    'Jacka*ss'....Morgan thought to herself as Timothy walked out of her life.

    Morgan was feeling rejected and very very mad, Timothy was such an idiot!

    She did what she always did when she was feeling bad...


    6 Months Later...when the divorce was final Morgan was still depressed and mad...she was also not very motivated to do anything with her life and had gained another 40 pounds.

    Her knees were hurting, she was out of breath all the time, climbing the stairs up to bed was becoming very difficult and she was sleeping n the couch a lot lately.. Morgan knew something had to change so before she could change her mind she jumped into the shower for the first time in 3 days and changed into some nice clothes and quickly got into her car. Morgan was a woman on a mission, she felt the need for some major life changes...she was sick and tired of being sick overweight and tired.

    Shana Dutton and Jeri Fink were just about ready to clock out for the day at their job as gym trainers at the new 24 Hour Gym in town. They noticed Morgan walk in and both started whispering to each other...

    "God look at the size of that one!" Shana giggled..

    "Frigging water buffalo!!" Jeri snickered..

    "She must weigh a ton!" Jeri mused..

    "I think a ton is a underestimate!" Shana told her in a voice that was just a bit too loud..

    Their boss Josh had heard them...

    "I suggest you two ladies stop that line of chatter about our clientele, you could get fired for that sort of talk. At least she had the guts to come in here and maybe do something about her weight." Josh whispered to the two girls. "I think you two best be leaving, I'll take this up with the owner if I hear any more negative talk out of either of you." he warned.

    Flickr is being a major pain, this will continue tomorrow...

  • @Charlottesmom Poor Morgan. :cry: That is one of the worst situations to be in...having your spouse/partner not love you anymore because you've gained a few pounds - and then ask for a divorce because of it. Well, people like that aren't worth it so I was loving the way Morgan yelled at him to leave after he said he wanted a divorce. :star:
    Eating food when your life su'cks and you're having a hard time...I hear ya Morgan. I hear ya. **pats back**
    Good for her for taking charge and doing it for herself, not for someone else!
    Those chicas at the gym make me sick! :angry: (Love those custom shirts you made ;) )
    Go Josh! :star: You tell 'em! Boo ya!
    Sorry Flickr was giving you issues today... I'm looking forward to more of the story. :)
  • @Charlottesmom That's not unusual for the male to not want to think that they could be responsible for the infertility :#
    I could slap him at the "three whole pounds" comment! grrrrr
    I'm glad Morgan got mad! It would have been too sad if she had just taken it.
    And I am glad she kicked him out!
    Poor thing, seeking solace in food :( It happens all too often.
    Good for her wanting to turn her life around!
    What mean girls! That's no way to talk about a client! They seriously need some training!
    Looks like Morgan has found a champion in Josh :)
  • I love the story so far! Timothy is really a piece of work - not only cheating on Morgan and leaving her, but telling her to leave the house and go to a hotel when it's HER house!
    I love the Fitness t-shirts you made!
  • ZeeGee1's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 years ago
    Poor Morgan! She has been through some tough times with a sociopath so happy to see her taking her life back. The mean girls :rage:

    Great story telling!
  • This story is on hiatus, it was not flowing like I had hoped. I may revisit it after I get a few other stories out of my system. Thank you for your interest. :smile:

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