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NikkeiSimmer's avatar
5 years ago

Stuck on an Island With You - A JAG-Sims 3 ISBI.

Stuck On An Island With You; A JAG ISBI
An Introduction to the Characters

Welcome to Misty Isle; a rocky edifice of trashed dreams and insufferable winters. The Watcher being his usual pedantic, sadistic self has taken the group from JAG and stuffed them on this little island just for a social experiment. Let us see if they will survive. In an "I'm Surrounded by ID10TS" The Watcher gets to have eight sims (but I'm doing sue me), all with the insanity trait. One of them the Watcher gets to control, the rest get to do their own thing. Whether the sims survive all depends on their own devices. And more than likely there's a good chance that they won't. C'est la vie...

Make no mistake this is not a challenge. I don't do challenges. This is more of a comedic narrative and more than likely hilarity and hijinks will ensue.

Let us meet our contestants, shall we?
Haruo Chikamori - He likes long solitary walks on the beach, key lime pie and classical music. Such a charming combination. He and his girlfriend, River McIrish are the only two people who are sane (relatively speaking). Since he will be the one being controlled by the Watcher, he will endeavor to make sure that none of the other eleven in the group die of starvation. Yet, he, still being insane, will have a low cooking skill to start. Let's hope he doesn't set the island on fire. It's a toss-up whether he's going to be absent-minded. The Watcher thinks that may be hysterical.
And by his side, faithfully, River McIrish. She actually is the ONLY sane one with NO insane trait in her. She's the canary-in-the-coalmine. If everything goes to hell with her then the Watcher's got a serious problem. She likes Haruo, long walks on the beach, waffles and popular music. The Watcher wonders how she and Haruo got together. But considering the fact that Haruo is completely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, it's a toss-up to see if the relationship survives this little experiment.
Starting with the highest ranking officer of the military bunch, Fleet Admiral Toshio "Animal" Nakamura, henceforth known as "Animal" (or "Tosh" by Meg). Having to juggle defence budgets and meet with politicians who wouldn't know which side of a rifle was the side that fired or recognize the pointy end of a sharp stick; is it any wonder why the Fleet Admiral lost his marbles? Too many things to keep track of and a few of them rolled away into the gutter. He loves the color blue, classical music and the smell of Napalm in the morning...and Meg.
Admiral Liandra Gracen, again the hard knocks of military life and the incessant demands of those who have no clue as to logistics and the administration of the law, Admiral Liandra Gracen having been fed up with the constant cases of sailors who just couldn't stop getting in trouble and being unable to comprehend the concept of: "STOP BREAKING THE LAW, YOU FLARKIN' IDGIT!!!" Is it any wonder that she went looney-tunes. She likes the color purple, taking a walk in the forest and metal.
Vice-Admiral Megan Austin - long hours, years of solitary employment at the China Lake Weapons Research Facility have taken their toll on poor Meg's mental stability. She has seen as many technical drawings as she ever wants to see in her life of things that go boom and well, she states that "if I see another one, I'm going to flip my lid..." too late... She likes the color blue, long romantic swims with a certain someone who wears two more stripes than her and a computer in her hand.
Captain Kimber "Jugs" Benton: The only one who can keep up with FADM Toshio Nakamura: A former F-14 naval aviator and now chief staff officer on Nakamura's staff. She's in charge of dealing with all the things that drive FADM Nakamura around the bend. Naturally...the end result being...going nuts... Y'know the old saying: ....trickles downhill. She likes "FADM Nakamura...flying...F-14s and well...uh...yeah, NSFW.
Captain Harmon Rabb Jr. : Many years of legal work in Washington DC; navigating the Beltway and wondering just what deranged rogue DSD Agent Clark Palmer would do has driven Harm completely off his rocker. Not only did he start hearing things, but he's trying to figure out if there is a chance of going back to Russia and resurrecting his father. Harm's not sure if there's any color he likes, but he's partial to Navy blue and cardboard (due to the number of legal files that he has to deal with on a daily basis...hopefully his sojourn on this island will be a breather...that is if his marbles return...the operative word being IF...
Colonel Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, United States Marine Corps- Singing too many refrains of "From the Halls of Montezuma..." and frankly the onerous hassle of being a Marine JA (Judge Advocate) pretty much has made Mac lose whatever composure she has. Frequently known for lighting off, telling squids that "Marines don't duck, they take cover..." Her favorite colors are Marine Green, Crimson and Gold; Her favorite food is Beltway Burgers (Marine rations if she can't get those) and her obsession is Harmon Rabb Jr.
Commander Peter Ulysses "Sturgis" Turner, legal eagle and bubblehead, serving on submarines. It isn't certain whether water pressure can have an adverse effect on mental stability, but it's certain that since he served once served on a nuc that when the lights go out, he emits an eerie green glow from the radiation seepage out of the Engineering department. Between radiation damage and the constant water pressure changes as well as legal overwork has caused Sturgis to flip his lid. His favorite color is navy blue, he likes healthy salads and likes to go running every chance he gets. Did anyone tell him there's bears on this island? His mile-time will certainly improve.
Commander Phil "Metalman" Burrows - Another F-14 naval aviator he currently commands VF-41 Black Aces (at least till he had to take a medical break. Typically likes to fly at cherubs 2 and scare squirrels out of the trees. Never listens to a word that his former squadron commander used to say. Now that his former squadron commander is a Fleet Admiral...Phil has been promoted to the rank of Commander. If he's not sleeping in his formal clothes, he's trying to figure out ways of loading more ordnance on his F-14 so that he can take on 30 MIGs at a time. Unlike the others who were driven insane, Phil has always had a streak of insanity in him. His favorite food is apple pie, favorite color is orange and he likes to annoy his commanding officers up to and including the CNO for a transfer back to his beloved VF-103 Jolly Rogers (so that he can change the designation of his squadron back to the storied VF-84. Animal keeps ditching them in the circular file.
Former Lieutenant Commander Jack Keeter, a former naval aviator who also flew F-14s in the Navy, lost his way in a lightning storm and landed in Cuba. Well, that pretty much ended his naval career. Nobody wants a naval aviator who can't navigate. Prior to that foul-up, Phil and Keeter used to tag-team driving Animal nuts. Keeter tends to lose his marbles every so often as a result of the beating that he got as a CIA pilot after again losing track of where he was in a F-117 and ending up landing the aircraft in Iraq. Considering that his marbles are loose and every so often, one of them falls out. His favorite things is "getting lost", the color green and a good ol' Texas Steak.
Command Master Chief Yeoman Jennifer Coates - one would think that administration of legal matters would be a simple task...making sure that lawyers got their legal files in order and on time so that they could dispense with cases quickly and efficiently. However the rebellious streak in Jen tends to raise its head when things are on a strict time-table and she does tend to find that legal matters are rather dry. So during her time in the Navy, she also takes psychology at night-school to further her education. Of course, you kind of have to be cracked yourself in order to be a good psychologist so they say. So she's pretty much shattered like a hardboiled egg dropped on pavement. Jen loves wearing black, eating pizza and pining after Harm which is expressly verboten as she is an enlisted woman and frat regs apply.

Being stuck on Misty Isle is an interesting adventure. Nearly six hundred feet of near-vertical rock, shrubs and trees, Where the rocks are immense and the wind is intense...and the grass and the sky is wide...come on down,stop on by...uh...sorry, wrong movie.
Periodically the Watcher will drop something on them to help them out, but not often. Right now they are living on the island and their goal will be just to survive then they will have to start building a house to get away from the elements. Because it's only two seasons till winter...and well...they really don't want to freeze to they?
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