5 years agoRising Ace
Teen Wedding In France
My teen girl had an amorous date with the expected results. It's been a pain getting them together, since he has an after school job and as soon as they start interacting, he takes off to work. When he gets off, it is too late. I was trying to get them married, but I couldn't keep them together long enough (I just started, but I've gone through this before). When the option "Move In" came up, I took it. Then they can get married at their leisure. They both have 'Get Married' and 'Marry ---' wishes for 5,000 happiness points each. On his first day at school, he got the "Cultural Interview" opportunity. She already had it. So they went to France. I should have married them before they left, but her birthday is coming up. I can delete his other wishes like "Jam With Another Sim", but her other two are worth another 5,000 happiness points. I hate missing the smaller wishes for her, such as 'Meet a Local', 'Eat Frog's Legs' or 'Visit a Museum'. So I decided to have them get married in France and open up those wish slots. I CAN'T!!
I'm sure any response will be too late, but it may help somebody else (or me later). At least I'll know what I should have done.
I'm sure any response will be too late, but it may help somebody else (or me later). At least I'll know what I should have done.