The 20 point cap on net worth has ruined my game. You have removed all incentive to make addiional money because just natural game play will get you the full 20 points without any special effort. I thought the point was to accumulate points and had some of my early members sacrifice their LTWs in order for future generations to really be able to make some money. My second generation has just turned elder and they are already nearly worth 750,000 thanks to my garden and fishing efforts.
The entire strategy has changed thanks to this new rule. Now the only emphasis is on how many kids you can stuff in the house for each generation to get LTW and portrait points. Children are the most tedious and boring aspect of the game. Also, I have been leaving fulfilled sims in my home when I should be kicking them out as soon as they get their LTW to make room for more children.
Now each couple needs to have 5 kids. Only one of these children can get married because all the others have to get LTW and kicked out as soon as possible so the next generation can start having kids. If one of the parents gets LTW they need to be kicked out too because there is no point in them remaining in the house.
So in order to get the most points you need to put up with the overwhelming hassle of dealing with 45 kids. 45 babies you have to keep happy, 45 toddlers that have to play with skill building toys, teach to walk, talk, and use the restroom, read books to if time, 45 children and teenagers that will have to be got up on time to go to school and have homework afterwards and then start building skills, 45 young adults and beyond who will have to who knows what skill wise or career wise to get a LTW.
I realize there is no real winning this challenge and the points are essentially useless but by capping them in certain places you are preventing people from taking different approaches and reporting back results. I was actually sort of curious to see exactly how much money could be made in a 10 generation legacy with no cheating. I guess I could still find out but I won't be a part of this challenge anymore and that irritates me a little.