295 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Good News! ~~
Waylan had remembered to go to his job opportunity, with just moments to spare! Whew! It only took an hour to complete his H.O.R.S.E. examination, so he will be sure to get a raise tomorrow! Yay! He celebrates by sliding on his waterslide in the back yard.
Tristan notices at once a change in his sister. "So, dear sis, I get to be an uncle again? What great news!"
"Yes! Waylan and I are so glad! But let's please try to keep quiet about it, I don't want Daddy urging us to move out before we have enough money for a house large enough for all of us!''
Tristan is surprised "I would never hear of you being turned out, Emelie! This is our childhood home, and I love for us being together! Please stay as long as you like! If father says anything, I will pull the Heir card!" and they laugh and hug each other, Emelie's so relieved. It will be a nicer pregnancy knowing her dear brother is on her side!
Waylan finds it most challenging this morning, to have to be showered and ready for work so early, with no time to even chat with his teen Izzy, or to kiss his beautiful wife, or even to play on the water slide before the car pool starts honking for him!
''But a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do!'' He thinks, and heads off to work, leaving Emelie without kisses and Izzy without a friendly chat this morning.
Izzy thinks "I need to find a way to help my good ol Dad, so he has more time in the morning!"
He wonders what he can do to help, and whispers with Chad off and on all day.
All the teens get to go on a field trip to the Police Station, which is also the same building which houses the Military and City Hall. The kids are glad that Tula's Mom, Tulip, is their chaperone today! They all like her, she is nice, but strict.
"Come along my dears, we are sure to have a nice time!'' says Tulip.
''Izzy? step lively now! Are you coming?"
"Yes Mrs. Morganthe!" but Izzy is still thinking about how he can help his Dad.
Waylan gets off work, and gets his raise, and a surprise promotion that comes with a Bonus of $2,500 ! He hurries home to his Emelie to tell her the good news!
"LieLie, you'll never guess!" says Waylan and shares the good news!
"Oh that is wonderful, Wolfie!"
And their happiness expands as Emelie gets her notice! :)
After school the teens are chatting, and Izzy tells of his plan to help his good ol Dad.
Tristan says "Let's go to the swap-shop, they are always selling gizmos and thingamajigs, and maybe we can find something good that might help you, Izzy!"
They wave 'Hi' to Vance, who had transferred over here from Jin's, to have the better work hours.
Eddy's sister, Edie, is in town, and is working the other register, part time.
Rainflower and Annalove, who Vance rents a room from, are also here. They are making frugal Vance Angry, because they won't leave the time machine alone!
Vance yells at them again "Quit it you guys! It is using too much electricity!"
"Wow look at all this great stuff, Izzy!" says Chad. "Does any of it give you inspiration?"
"I just don't know, I better go talk to the expert, Vance!"
Vance is really nice, and gives Izzy the run down on several options! Izzy makes a purchase!
"Hi Edie, do you guys ever sell any time machines, or does one have to actually know tinkering, and make them?" asks Tristan.
"Oh sometimes the people who make them, will sell them to us on consignment. I think I have a used one that's not too expensive." says Edie, and happy Tristan buys it!
All of a sudden Loud whooping and yelling is heard, as arrows are being shot out of the time machine!
This makes Vance really happy! "See?! Serves you right Annalove! Now for the last time, leave that thing alone!"
"That contraption is Not full of Love! Let's get out of here!" says Rainflower. And he and Annalove run home!
Happy with their purchases, (and the bonus entertainment that happened in the shop,) the teens settle down to do their homework.
That night, Izzy places his purchase from today, The Miner, in the yard and climbs on the seat and begins drilling!
His great plan is to make a tunnel from the house to his Dad's work, saving Dad 30 mins in commute time!
''This will give Dad time enough for a chat, and time for kisses for Mom!" he thinks.
The Miners proximity circuits go off, as the miner digs into a new cave network!
Sleepy Izzy get off, and hears Dad call out "Come to bed Izzy, it's late and a school night!"
"OK, coming Dad!" and he runs inside, before noticing the shining light coming from the deep hole he just dug!