Continues from 281 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Laz ~~
Oh yes, Waylan the future leader of the pack, and The Preacher and the red high healed shoes.... :P
Oh, this is quite complicated.. will Izzy be a future leader of the wolf pack as well, or will she/he become a vampire? And having to deal with being two different genders as well, oh my.. @_@
I'm envious of what you can come up with for your story telling. :P
Nice detail with the grandmothers ring in the proposal. Is Harrumph their (Waylan and Emilies) last name?
282 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Aziz ~~
Happy birthday to Izzy, now she is almost the same age as her mom. ;) Haha. :P
Alright, so whenever Izzy is a werewolf, she is female, and goes by the name of Azis.
Poor Chad, he just got friendzoned....
Haha, Ayden has to make sure everyone is formal and appropriate before the wedding.. ;)
"Ah. Izzy & Chad are romantically attracted to each other when Izzy presents in his more male form. But not when Izzy presents as Aziz, his werewolf and more female form. At those times they have best friend love." Sounds like a bit of a confusing relationship...
Congratulations to the newly weds, they look great. ;)
That's a fascinating looking guitar Cabana got there..
283 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Teen Party ~~
Oh, another teen party, hmm? Bring out the sleeping bags...
Oh, poor Nadia blocked by a locked door... but Ayden is looking properly proper as always!
"Nadia decides to try to cook him in the hot tub." <-- Haha, a bit of love cannibalism there.. :P
"No Dot! I'm happily married! I just got married yesterday, for Pete's sakes!" he yells. <-- That's probably why she called.. ;) But its kind of annoying how they are always put to the test like that.. :P No one ever asks a single sim for a date! Almost not!
"Waylan dances with his bride in the solarium, even when the music can't be heard from in here!
Well they are so in love, they probably don't even need music!" <-- Love makes its own music... ;)
""We love you for cooking for us, Tula!" many of the boys exclaim." <-- That's one way to get to someones heart.. through the mouth and the belly! :P
Hmm, they have to get married again, weird... maybe because they are teenagers and they aren't supposed to marry..
Was Ayden not feeling well? Playing with fire, not feeding, etc... Troubled by the recent marriage? I thought it was a bit unlike him to poke around in the fire like that, in front of the teenagers.. this man, usually so preoocupied with being proper.... hmm...
Haha, the less bright ones are left dancing. Well, I think the party looked quite orderly, nothing wild and nothing caught fire like it might have if to many were playing with the fire places. :P
That was page 59, I think I will stop now and read the other pages a little later. Page by page. ;)