54 The Watcher Watches: The Families The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Wel...
@DivaDoodle No its not at all to complicated unless it also involves different timelines ;) (I'm joking..)
Oh, pardon my ignorance, it just kind of looked like they got a new last name after being married (Harrumph!) haha. :P It didn't quite make sense, because I thought they had a different name, and of course.. Wolff is their name (that makes much more sense).
Oh, whats up with Ayden and starving himself, thats pretty weird?
Onwards to page 60!
284 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Leisure Day ~~
Leisure day! Yay, lets get out of that Grim looking Manor and have some fun... ;)
I'm familiar with the concept of Chi (I think), but not Wah.... unless its a wah pedal for the electric guitar. :P
Hehe, I like the teens sleeping in sleeping bags inside. ;)
And of course, Ayden has to discuss the ever important matters of Etiquette. ;)
Chad is a little easily scared from the ghost story. ;)
Ok, so Izzy/Azis and Chad relationship is a bit complicated. ;) Its.. well, they're just going to have to deal with the vampire/werewolf form shifting somehow... Hmm, hmm.. oh, I'll have to read on and see..
85 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Where wolf? There wolf! ~~
Hehe, of course that joke had to be made. ;)
Oh, Beatrice Crumplebottom. I did recently read about the Crumplebottoms (Agnes in particular) and I didn't know there was such a backstory behind them/her. Made me appreciate the character a lot more. Just hope this Beatrice isn't one to hit people with a purse (or worse...) for being romantic! ;)
Also, I still get a weird image in my head whenever I see the name Crumplebottom... (a crumply bottom, basically...) Since I at first wasn't aware of any other meaning to the word...
Ah, hmm, so it was the old Crumplebottom responsible for the meteor that hit the school building...?
Now why could that cow plant be so important... are there even cow plants in the game (like the one on the gardening channel? :P )
Oh, werewolf fighting.. hmm, I guess thats typical werewolf activity.. what savages.. :p
https://i.imgur.com/zZRiJUA.jpg Aziz the werewolf has a very strange way of moving about..
Quote: "It's ok sweetie, calm down, everything is is ok, just breathe." says Chad, giving her a hug, and continues, petting her face. "There, there, good Aziz, gooood." Aziz finally stops trying to gnaw his hand, and just luxuriates in the petting.
The following sequence of pictures is so weird, like Chad is having a pet in human form! But its a bit cute too.
Haha, even with a belly rub.
Yes, the werewolf form of Aziz is cute looking when she doesn't show the fangs, but a little weird with the hunched over walk and faces. ;)
286 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ The Cow Plant. ~~
"No, I'll just fire her from being my girl friend, and keep her as our housekeeper, I don't wish to contribute to the unemployment in town!" He calls Nadia to meet him. <-- Haha, as if being his girlfriend was a job.. well, maybe it is.. :P
Haha, his 7th girlfriend.. I think his proper attire and way of behaving definately helps with that. ;)
Oh dang, there is the cow plant! So it is in the game, fascinating. Just be careful to not get eaten.. (if it does that?)
I wouldn't let any of my sims go near such a thing without saving first.. ;)
And then it sprays milk from its udders, even.. that is weird.. :P
287 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ DNA ~~
Oh, so THAT is where the Teslas went.. eaten by a cow plant! What an unfortunate fate! Geez, never trust a Crumplebottom! They should stick to hitting people with purses...
Bianca and Musa can't be very good cops if they didn't know about the cow plant..? I mean, what does that thing usually feed on? Surely, Mrs. Crumplebottom would have to bring a lot of "cow plant food" to the house.. and that would have to be noticeable..
Oh no, Tristan has become friends with the cow plant, haha. :P
It is good to see the Countess being happy to see Timon, I like it when she smiles even if it wasn't a full on smile this time.
Haha, and your lovely weird town with the beds outside. Atleast there are some fences by them for a little hint of privacy. ;)
(Yep, I just gotta comment on the beds everytime I see them.. :P)
"At first the police don't want the teens to be anywhere near the Cow Plant." <-- Yeah, it would be a bit weird if they would just let a couple of teens in to watch such a thing. In reality a cow plant at a police station would either be a huge sensation or hidden away for no one to see. ;)
Hahaha, but no Tristan even got to take it home with him and put it in the library! Yep... ;)
The cow plant thing is totally weird. ;)
288 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Crazy ~~
It's nice to see Ayden (and a bit unusual) to see Ayden showing appreciation for something (his sons guitar playing). It makes him look human. ;)
Hehe, Rosalinda stalked him followed him home, that can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on which.. ;)
Ayden is a funny character with his sense of propriety. I have always enjoyed posh people, or rather, poking fun of posh people, because its kind of ridiculous. ;) Me personally, I would hate to have to "behave properly" in that way.. it would feel like a straight jacket only to "keep up appearences". I'm definately not a snob.. to xxxx with appearence and being proper, I'm only a regular human being! ;) (Of course, I'm not talking about not behaving nicely, thats another thing.. everyone should of course be nice to each other... just this uneccessary forced etiquette thing...)
"I can't even worry properly with Rosalinda around!" he thinks. <-- And see, this is why.. Ayden can't even show his own feelings because it would be "improper". Ughh... such a ridiculous self imposed straight jacket... If he finally marries someone I wouldn't be surprised he demanded they wear a corset or something!
Haha, Ayden finds Jin attractive. Well, to each his own... ;)
''I tried to go up in space to locate the origin of the meteor, It could have been an organic occurrence, after all ... but I was having a wardrobe malfunction with my space suit that day!" Jin finally runs out of breath! <-- Haha, she did what? ;) She's an astronaut or something too now? :P
Oh, how nice of Mrs. Crumplebottom to offer him a taste of her blood just like that. ;)
Haha, and yet even if I am not very posh myself, I do like the sound of words like "persnickety". (I have never heard that word before, but I like it). It goes into the same category as words like "nefarious". It doesn't matter what they mean, they just have this.. sound to them, or something. "Nefarious Persnickety". I should name a sim that some day.... :P
Oh, Ayden that charming boy.. of course he would make Beatrice his girlfriend..
I made it about halfway through page sixty now. I'm posting this now to not make my reply posts to long. Finally I got to know what happened to the Teslas! ;)