@DivaDoodle Ah yes, I searched for the youtube video about Agnes Crumplebottom. I watched one of them, it looks like its a series of videos. It looks very well made. Thats some sims 3 cinematography skills which I do not have. What a sad story for her. Makes me feel a bit bad I didn't let them have much of a life in my game, because I wanted only my own sims. In my Sunset Valley save both Agnes, Cornelia and Gunther (and many more..) are all already dead of old age, I'm afraid.
"Yes in my story Beatrice accidently caused the meteor when her cauldron exploded, and also accidently caused Izzy's birth to be so unusual. Even though Izzy was 'meant to be', he couldn't have been without her accidental cause and effect." <-- That is fascinating, how a seemingly random event can cause the creation of a character!
Haha, so the cow plant isn't really all that dangerous. I suppose it wouldn't be in the nature of the sims game to have something truely terrifying in there, but it still strange and looks a bit unnverving. ;)
"Bianca and Musa are International super spies, so not that good at general detective work hahaha. They spend all their free time kissing, but do show up to work!" <-- Haha, I would think that since they were international spies, they would have some ability to keep their eyes and ears open for more domestic affairs, but what do I know. ;) Romance can certainly be a strong distraction!
Now, onwards!
289 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Vance ~~Hmm, Jelly Bean bushes. I never had them in any of my games, so I'm not sure what they do, other than giving candy? :P So I wouldn't know why someone would need two of them either...
"Oh dear! Ayden had wanted to apologize, but now his feathers are ruffled and he feels compelled to slap him with his elegant white glove!" Haha, oh no, not the glove slap! How disgraced one would be to have the most unfortunate experience of being slapped with a pristine white glove! :P
Hahaha!! He actually does get out a white glove!
Oh, they can actually fight for real too. Gloves are off! ;)
I guess Ayden deserved to lose that fight, stealing Vances girlfriend and slapping him with a glove! The nerve! :P
Oh wow, is that Rainflowers house? It reminds me of
Villa Villekulla with its colour palette.. I like it. ;) Perfect for a hippie!
Oh, now I wonder what kind of problem Izzy would have about having a child in his werewolf form? Does it bring him shame?
Chads full name is Chadwick, that's nice.
290 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Prank! ~~Oh... that Beatrice is a bit of a mystery, now also with err.. a tendency to do away with people in 'accidents'.... well, that meteor was already probably one of those.. 'accidents'...
So she had a problem with the Teslas?
Hmm, is Ayden in the danger zone? (Its a little confusing here with the two very similar names, Ayden and Aiden! But I think I'll manage if I just read carefully. ;))
Atleast they appear very different, I can't see
Ayden the snobby vampire wearing that green shirt that Aiden is wearing... ;)
Oh nice. I like the scooters! Hehe, and off to prank the school! Naughty kids! ;)
Wow, a quick and severe punishment! Doesn't sound good...
Hmm, how come the police officer didn't arrest them both when Izzy was there, too... Didn't he just say that he was Moonlight Falls finest, or were that just empty words? ;)
Oh, Chad is a bit soft for fainting.. Izzy was probably the one that should have been arrested and grounded, as he initiated the prank...
291 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Alpha Wolf ~~"I know, Izzy, but it's not your fault." <-- Nope, thats wrong! It IS his fault! :P
Oh, it was that simple to be forgiven, just do some simple house chores and brush your teeth.. ah, good. :P
" There you will find the ancient werewolf lore of the most auspicious Queen of the Werewolves! She was an Alpha Wolf and started her leadership as but a young girl, in the dark times. I can only think the lore is referring to you, Izzy, as Aziz! Our times have been darkened since your wolf Grandfather left with his den!" <--- So it is already written..? Then it must happen... it is prophecy. :P
Aziz will be the leader of the wolves...
"it Is Trixie! She must have gotten a makeover at the Simphora beauty store! She looks so glamourous now with her false eye lashes!" <-- Oh yeah, I would have no problem kissing that! ;)
Oh, Beatrice is being nice with Ayden now, but hmmm... it could be she is setting up a trap.. careful now, don't walk into the spiders web...
"My, my, my.'' said the spider to the fly, "Have I told you how much I like your silk pajamas?" asks Beatrice. <-- Haha, I can almost say I saw it coming... ;) There it is, she's a spider... will probably eat him afterwards....he is already entangled in silk... run!
Oh, hmm, did she try to poison him, or was it just regular jelly beans? Anyway, probably better off not eating that cake...
"It was just too unnerving to think about her trying to poison me. I found it very stressful." says Ayden. <-- Hahaha, I would think that having someone try to poison me would be a little more than just unnerving. ;) Very stressful indeed...
Jin is probably a better choice, even if she is strange.. strange is better than whatever Beatrice is...
291 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Unusual Fertility ~~""Izzy, where ever you go, I will go! I won't care if you look like an ol hairy hag, either!'' Chad winks, ''Seriously, if I can kiss the snarling mouth of you in wolf form, I can certainly bare your mature wrinkled hairy looks as well! Hey, I'll even age up with you, so you won't be the only hairy grotesque one in our house!"" <--- Haha, oh they're so cute, they will have no problem staying together for as long as will be required. ;)
"let's make an heir right now!" <-- Oh oh.. not inside the vault! What will the ancients say? :P
Hmm, virgin birth.. anyone giving a virgin birth must truely be something special...
Oh, but this certainly brings up a dilemma, poor Chad, now worried he won't have his own offspring..
Haha, Jins skin even changed colour from blue to green...
Wait hold on, Chad is
infertile! I didn't know that.. :O Poor Chad..
Haha, woohoo in the wardrobe. ;)
292 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Grown Ups ~~Oh, happy birthday to Waylan.. now it is soon probably Emilies turn too? ;)
Yep, later in the day.. hmm, oh and he can't kiss her because of the age difference..
Haha, that was a short relationship between Ayden and Jin.. does that even count? :P
Oh, that was many guests so quickly...
"It's so crowded that Branch has a hard time deciding who to stare at!" <-- Yeah, weirdo...
Oh, Emelie looks a bit different as she aged up, but still nice.
Hehe, Chad looks like he's going for a version of the chicken dance. ;)
Hahah, Branch ..is he always smiling so creepily? :P
"Oh! :D it's probably time to wind this party down, when our famous astronauts Adan & Teddy start forgetting to get dressed!" <-- The question is... why are they undressed? :P
Happy birthday Emilie! This party felt a lot shorter than many other parties, but it still looked like people were having fun!
Page 60 done, will continue reading on page 61 next.