@ergp_slum Thank you! Yes the kiddos turned out nice looking! I especially like how Collin turned out, he is the combo of Chad and Izzy.
Ian and Amelia look like Izzy and Aziz to me.
Oh well the twins were not virgin births like the original Queen's virgin births, because Chad was active with both occult/gender forms of Izzy, but I know what you mean about Izzy's self impregnating. I don't know when that will happen, that pregnancy was so tough on both of them, I won't blame Izzy if he wants to wait for a century!
I think first they will probably have more engineered babies, easier on them both for sure, plus Chad gets to have babies with his genes, which he wants, and Izzy likes to see him happy. They need more little girls!??
LOL Grandpa Waylan! Well that's what can happen when they start having babies as teens!
I don't know what is worst, to be labeled as a child having a child or to be called an Old primagravida (anyone 30 or over having her first child) :|
I was the latter and I remember thinking 'Old?! I beg your pardon! humph!' lol :D
Have a wonderful weekend! :)