7 years ago
The weirdest thing happened while playing TS3
So I created this couple (I forgot their names) a while ago, They were a happy couple at first but I wanted to spice things up and add some DRAMA, so I made the husband cheat on the wife with as many women possible. He went unnoticed until one day he went over to his wife's best friend's house and flirted with her until they were romantic interests. They went upstairs to the bed to woohoo, but he had to cancel the action mid-woohoo because his wife was on her way to visit her friend. So I made him run home but I noticed that his wife's friend was running with him it almost looked as if she was chasing after him as soon as he started to run she began to run. When they passed by the wife, I switched to the wife's perspective and clicked on her best friend and there was a "you look upset" option I was kind of freaked out by this because first of all, why on earth was she upset? was it because he ran away? lol, that whole situation was weird and it convinced me that our sims have a mind of their own.