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brandontaylor615's avatar
Rising Traveler
5 years ago

Ultimate Sim Challenge - 2020-2021 Edition

This is my third attempt at doing @Llandros2012 Ultimate Sim Challenge. This challenge is one where you must max every skill in the game, do the skill challenges for every skill, and work every job available while moving to all 18 towns that are available. My first attempt at this went for a long while but due to computer issues, I had to give it up. Eventually, I started from an earlier save point but then my computer finally got where it couldn't run the game. I now have a gaming computer now that is much more capable at running the game. I figured now would be a good time as any to start this up again. More information will come up in my first update which I'll be working on soon. Stay tuned!
  • @GraceyManor it is fun, but it does take a while to complete. All expansions are needed as well as all worlds, but you can always play with what you do have like I’m doing currently. I know you have everything but I just mentioned it in case someone is missing an EP or store world. If you do try the challenge and need any advice, let me know.
  • Decided to play a couple of days tonight, more happened in these two days then the two or three in my last update. Since I'm not tired yet, I decided to go ahead and post it tonight so I only have feedback tomorrow evening. There should be at least one more update after this before I take a hiatus to play the Langerak save. As for Ava's story, I doubt I'll continue it as two saves are enough for me right now. I'll keep the save file just in case though so it could make a return. Anyway, here is the update.
    Christopher went stir crazy around the time Brittany had finished her last day of daycare. I decided to have him do the shopping at the alchemy store while Brittany ate her supper with Abraham. I ended up with several ingredients and a few elixirs too.
    On Love Day, Brittany was a bit further ahead of Christopher who was working on the small, upstairs garden this morning. Brittany used the transmogrifier to wreak havoc on relationships again. I forgot how many she's done but she has to do 30 altogether and it doesn't matter when. It just has to be done before the full challenge is over.
    Once Christopher was finished, the young couple headed to the diner for breakfast. They have a fridge full of food but they both needed to get out and enjoy the sunny day.
    Then I sent them to the park to get a photo taken before they tried out the Love Tester. It told them it didn't know what love was until they showed it what love is. Once that was finished, the couple decided to show off their dance skills to a Leann Rimes song. It's on one of the radio stations in Simlish.
    Brittany then was invited to Claire Ursine's party so I had her and Christopher go there. The rain dampened their time at the park and Brittany had been wanting to see Sheree Ursine anyway. Sheree had been one of her toddlers and children in daycare and is also the alternate universe version of Fawn Ursine-Jones from the Jones/Langerak save. Sandi French is the woman who is watching them hug.

    Fawn Jones is the 2nd generation wife of a save I share on Emorrill's "What Happened in Your Sims 3 Game Today?" thread. That is the only place I share that save as I didn't see a reason to make a thread for it.
    Christopher decided to chat with Connor Frio for a bit. Brittany was mingling with as many of the guests as she possibly could, just because she can.
    Several Sims, including mine, decided to all watch television together. Claire almost peed herself as she wouldn't leave the TV but since I needed to send Brittany and Christopher home, I shut it off. Of course, this made them all throw up their hands and grumble in disgust.
    Back at home, Christopher popped the question and Brittany said yes. Love Day was the same day he proposed in my other attempt so I decided to repeat at least that part. They will have their wedding when I play tomorrow night, right before the small hiatus on the challenge.
    No words needed here, you can pretty much tell what they are doing. I will say one thing though, Brittany is not pregnant at this point. That will probably be a couple updates from now.
    Christopher went to bed but Brittany had to rant because her rebel influence went down again. At least the megaphone makes it easy but it'll get harder when she has to learn the nerd and jock influences too. This time, she ranted about politics, something a lot of us may be familiar with right now.
    Brittany did one hunt with Abraham only because she had a wish to do so and it would give me the 40,000 points for the Collection Helper.
    Thanks to the Helper, I was able to have Brittany catch another butterfly. She now needs 7 more insects until I get the two EPs I needed to replace back. I think it'll just be the fireflies that it will add to the game and maybe a few gems and metals.
    It's not a have to thing but the challenge creator said you may as well use the daycare van for a bit because you work hard to get it. Christopher took the fancy car for now but I'll give it back to her at a later date.
    Then Christopher got an opportunity that he and Brittany keep getting. I had him talk with all the people he needed when Brittany arrived from bug hunting. I located where another insect is but the guide I read said I may have to collect the insects there until this particular one spawns. Anyway, Brittany also got the same celebrity opportunity and she finished hers shortly after Christopher. I sent them off to bed once they got home and shut down the game. I just didn't feel like doing a wedding tonight.

    ***Brittany and Christopher's wedding will be a fun day to play but will also probably be the only big wedding she has. Her future husbands will probably only get private weddings or just weddings with the household. If you remember the previous attempts, you'll already have an idea who she'll marry in season two and three. After that, it'll be a surprise for all of us as I have no clue who her husband will be in the remaining 16 seasons/towns.