Forum Discussion

Mikezumi's avatar
7 years ago

Zumi and the Winchester brothers

This won't be a long term save. I just installed Ambitions and I want to see if it affects the stability of my game before I start playing my other families. I am mostly posting here for @Charlottesmom <3

Day 1

I installed Ambitions and what better way to check out new content (not that I did any of that on the first day) than to play. I placed an even younger version of my SS and Sam and Dean Winchester into a house in Twinbrook. I may change houses before too long.
I forgot to check gender preferences when starting the save but from the reactions my SS got I would say everything is on track ;)
Zumi went to talk to Sam but Dean interrupted.
Zumi got her chance to talk to Sam when Dean cried over the purchase of the food processor ;)
I'm going to have to watch these two closely! They were flirting up a storm and with my mods anything is possible ;)
The welcome wagon arrived and I didn't bother taking names. I could see at a glance they were not my cup of tea ;)
After everyone had met the welcoming party, I had them leave. I saw Dean and Zumi heading upstairs for a pillow fight :)
They both laughed it off :)
I took away Zumi's Family Oriented trait for this save and gave her eccentric. I have never seen this idle so it must be from that :)
Sam made his way upstairs for a flirt fest!
Once they got it out of their systems they sat down to read ;)
Zumi prepared perfect spaghetti (I only have tomatoes until the community garden starts producing).
After dinner, Dean and Sam played tag team flirting with Zumi ;)
Sam almost instigated woohoo (I saw it in his queue) but it got cancelled somehow and they went to the living room instead.

Who will be the first to get into Zumi's pants? ;) :p >:)

  • Oh boy, what a story. I love it. I am not sure if I can completely let my sims play on their own. I might kill them.
  • @Mikezumi , Will do offical comments in a bit..but now do you see why I love plopping my SS in with Jared and Connor...brothers are awesome! ;)
  • @Charlottesmom Thanks for the lovely comments :) Zumi is soooo bad she's good! She's nothing like me in that respect. Scratch that - my youth might have been slightly misspent ;)

    @lisasc360 Thank you for your lovely comment :) This save is totally self-indulgent and absolutely a hoot! :)
  • @msbeckycat Thank you. It's been months since I played this save but it was short and sweet :)