.package cc files not showing up in-game
I recently started using sims 3 custom content for my game, and putting .sims3pack files into the downloads folder works and they all show up in-game, however .package files into Mods folder have not shown up whatsoever. I would really appreciate any help getting the .package files to show up in-game.
Thank you 🙂
@Nonkie7402 Are the .package files inside Mods/Packages, and is there a resource.cfg in the Mods folder? Have you deleted the five cache files from your Sims 3 folder in Documents\Electronic Arts? They should be deleted any time you add or remove content from your game. For reference, they are:
- CASPartCache.package
- compositorCache.package
- scriptCache.package
- simCompositorCache.package
- socialCache.package
If you've done all this and the .package files still aren't showing, please move the Mods folder out of the Sims 3 folder, recreate the setup or download a new Mods Framework from Mod the Sims, place just one .package file inside the Packages folder, delete the cache files again, and test in-game. Let me know whether it works.