1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods (If so, please remove all mods. I need it tested on a vanilla game or EA will say it's mod). No
2. Do you have Island Paradise or just the Patch ? I have both
3. Which Patch Level are you at ? I am at version (my game says it is up to date)
4. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ? New Game
5. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ? Existing
6. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? Monte Vista
7. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) ? Win 7
8. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game ? Digital Download
9. Are you reporting for the Uni-World, Home-World or WA-World ? Home-World
Spawners with Islands or lots placed in the ocean. I see no visible spawners on a lot (even when I make a basement) and in the water deep enough to see no land but land spawners items (shell/bottles) are spawning in the water lots like one/two days in game up to 10 some I can delete some I cannot (with cheats). The lot had spawners but I deleted what I could see cause spanwers were not deleting even after lots where deleted. But even in a new world new location with again no visible spanwers shells are spawning in water.
I believe it is tied to this lot (since a newer lot I did with no history of spawners doesn't show this) but this lot that I spent hours making and due to it being sculpted land I cannot duplicate and really want to salvage this lot. IP spawners in water issues do exists even after the lot has been double bulldozed but those were water spanwers but now it is land ones but they are in water.
Any help appreciated or told this is a known bug :)