Forum Discussion
58 Replies
- @puzzlezaddict Thanks for the report simmers!
- @MaxisJoe Will EA make a new update?
did you guys find a solution for the ocean issue?
@nightfalcon12 There's no solution, as far as we can tell. We're hoping EA might be able to fix it, although there's no guarantee that will happen. You can keep an eye on this thread for updates.
@EA_Leeloo can you confirm whether @MaxisJoe is still working at Maxis? Most uncommon of him to be silent over such a long period, especially since this is his "crown jewel"
- @jbd00 Thanks for asking after me.
Yes, I am still at Maxis. Which is for the best, really, because my user name would be really awkward if I weren't.
I'm afraid I really can't comment on future releases (or whether they exist) that have not been announced. @MaxisJoewould you happen to know if EA is even aware of these issues? I really want to be able to play the game a payed for with all its features. Could you give us an sort of update on this regard?
ps: I never got around to actually fully playing Isla Paradiso due to bugs and issues and then when the 64-bit was released I thought I'd finally be able to but then another problem. The ocean interactions (scuba diving, mermaids, discovering the islands...) are the one thing I look forward to the most and I've been able to so I really hope EA can do something about that.
Thanks in advance@Sunkyu16 MaxisJoe thanked us for the info in this thread back in October, when the issue was first reported:
So yes, I think it's safe to assume that some people at EA are aware. However, there haven't been any updates about which current issues may get addressed, or any news about a future patch. So while we can hope that the problem will be fixed, we'll have to wait until EA is ready to make an official announcement.
Oh man, crossing my fingers that there will be a solution soon. It's really the small details that make the game so enjoyable.
Well I think we got our answer from @MaxisJoe. Time for the modders to go to work!
- @ashbymcdonald What was the answer? They're not going to fix any of these issues?
@champion_hustler That was a de facto answer. If there was an effort to fix it, I think MaxisJoe would have said so.
EA is definitely aware of this. I am currently in a chatroom with an EA representative to complain about this issue... once again. I have done this before, at least the rep is actually trying to help. I don't think she's aware of how many people are going through this. Keeps asking about my computer specs and mods... it's not the mods, it's the game.
Apparently, it isn't a "known issue" with EA. So far, chat time One Hour Ten Minutes, and counting.
@SimMinnie79 It's definitely a known issue and has been since this thread was created. EA support may not know about it, which isn't really an issue since there's no fix for it for a support rep to recommend. But it was reported almost as soon as the 64-bit version was released, and acknowledged right away:
- @puzzlezaddict I guess now they have been notified again. I also sent them the link to this thread. Hopefully, they will create a patch for it.
Well, they spent a lot of time on that conversion and I think it was complicated process. They did in my opinion great work and it would be a little bit silly not to patch a few obvious things (I hope it's easy to fix!). I guess that they didn't expect that weird bugs, so for that moment they may have another job to do and they'll eventually come back for that later and then maybe they fix most of issues at once. 🙂
I don't know anything, just wondering with hope, while waiting, ahaha.
have they fixed this yet???
@Alison_Hunt88 wrote:
have they fixed this yet???
Nope, sorry. I still have hope, but it's certainly been a while.
- @puzzlezaddict upon what do you base this "hope"?
@ashbymcdonald I base it on the fact that it looked like EA was working on patching certain issues and did in fact release one small patch right away. If whoever is in charge had decided not to put in any more effort, it would make sense to at least release a patch including the work that had already been completed. Since that hasn't happened yet, I have at least some hope that there will be an update in the future.
I do not have any idea when that would happen though.
- @puzzlezaddict EA is too busy with raking up money from the youngsters on Sims 4 with crochet and vacuum cleaners packs… I love my game but it's clear we are very, veryyyyy low on the list of priorities, practically not there at all. I remember we had to wait until the very last update of the 32-bit game for a real Mac CTD bug fix.
Wishful thinking won't make us disappear though. I can't believe they haven't fixed this yet, but at the same time not really surprised.
It really doesn't sound like it would be very difficult for someone to just patch a line in the code.
They just don't care about the people who play anything but The Sims 4. And probably most of their staff are working on The Sims 5. Anything to just make money, not really caring about what their customers think, especially those of us who like the older games.
I would love to be able to play The Sims 3 properly, and even The Sims 2. Now that would be cool.
- @puzzlezaddict Does anyone from EA actually read this thread? I would be very surprised to find that they do. That would just mean they don't really care. Wouldn't it?
@SimMinnie79 I don't know whether anyone is currently reading this thread, but that wouldn't really be necessary. This issue has been present and stable since the 64-bit version's release, so there's no new information to gather. You'll notice that the issue was acknowledged back then:
As for updates, I imagine we'll get info either when a patch is released or when it's decided that no patch will be forthcoming. Neither has happened yet.
I was so happy when they announced to update the game for Metal.
I just bought more expansion packs on origin as I couldn’t install the game from CD on Mac.Now I realised the open water options still aren't available by choice. My sim can go swimming on their own when visiting a diving spot but I can’t make them go swim/ fish/ etc. …
How can EA put out this game and just leave it like that?
It’s been so long that I don’t expect an official fix of this error any longer… I guess the game is just broken and limited. Are there any active Moders from TS3 who could fix this? …or nraas?
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