Re: Game won't launch via Sims 3 Launcher - Activation?
@sammy4eva The save that isn't loading might be corrupted beyond repair, but there are steps you can try to fix it. First, try loading the backup copy of the save. In Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > Saves, you'll see a folder with the save name and another one with the same name and a .backup extension. Rename the save and delete the .backup, so the folder name ends in .sims3 , and you'll be able to select it at the Main Menu.
Please also delete any files in CurrentGame inside this same Sims 3 folder. The CurrentGame folder should always be empty unless you have a save loaded. Delete the cache files every time you quit as well, at least while troubleshooting. For reference, they are:
- CASPartCache.package
- compositorCache.package
- scriptCache.package
- simCompositorCache.package
- socialCache.package
If this doesn't help, and you're willing to use a few mods, I'd recommend adding NRaas ErrorTrap and Overwatch. It's possible they could correct whatever problem is preventing this save from loading, and they're very helpful overall, cleaning out junk data that would otherwise accumulate and possibly corrupt your new saves as well. Neither one requires user input. More information is here: