Bug after december update: Description box remains "active" in gallery
Before the December update the description box became inactive as soon as the household was saved to the gallery. Also the hashtags were made clickable then (colour->orange). Now the description box looks and behaves just like in CAS and the hashtags are not clickable (colour->blue). This is the same for mine and for all other households. I also can type in any of those description boxes in the gallery. The change gets lost though (thankfully). See attached picture. http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3842/fjdbbsmn_png.htm
I use custom content, but I tested the bug also with all custom content removed.
I tried to uninstall the game (in Origin as well as in the Windows control panel) and to download the game anew in Origin.
The problem remains.
This issue seems to be solved after the January update.