Forum Discussion

canelacaliente's avatar
9 years ago

[BY DESIGN] [GTW] Retail Plants Set for Sale Go Through Growth Stages

Plants go through growth stages when set for sale in retail stores:

  1. Set plant for sale in retail store
  2. Plant went through growth stage
  3. Plant grew fruit
  4. After plant grew fruit, it was no longer for sale
  5. Sim was unable to buy the plant
  6. Plant had to be harvested and then set back to sale
  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    Crin is correct.  This is not really a bug, just a slightly awkward meeting of features.  I've passed your feedback on to the design team. Thanks for calling it out!

6 Replies

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  • Harvestable plants can't be sold so that's not a bug.

    Why should they not grow when you have them in your garden ?

  • Harvestable plants can't be sold so that's not a bug.

    I know plants in the harvest stage can't be sold.  This not what I am reporting.

    Why should they not grow when you have them in your garden ?

    They should not grow because they are set for sale.  When they are set for sale and they get to the harvest stage Sims cannot purchase them.  I built a nursery for my Sims to visit to buy the plants they need for their garden.  The plants are set for sale.  After a few moments at the nursery, none of the plants are for sale because they hit the harvest growth stage.  So now my Sims can't purchase the plants.  I have to load the family that owns the store, harvest the plants, and set them for sale again in order for my Sims to be able to purchase them.

    If this is buy design, it is poor design because there is no way to have a nursery.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    I can't say for sure of course but I have not found any indication that they should stop growing just because they are set for sale.

    Maybe post this in the feedback forum for now ?

  • They should stop growing so Sims can purchase them.  If they continue to grow, Sims are unable to purchase the plants because when they reach the harvest stage, the plants lose the for sale tag.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    Crin is correct.  This is not really a bug, just a slightly awkward meeting of features.  I've passed your feedback on to the design team. Thanks for calling it out!

  • Thanks for passing this on.  The feature is really annoying.  It makes creating a store where Sims can buy plants for their own gardens annoying.