Empty Towns and Sims not Showing Up
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except Toddler Stuff and Journey to Baatu
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Happens in the Worlds of San Myshuno and Henford on Bagley in all neighborhoods. Haven't checked them all. It does NOT happen on Evergreen Harbor. It works fine.
What happens when the bug occurs? The towns are empty and nobody ever visits the households. No food delivery, no invited Sims, no mailman. Town are empty of passerby Sims.
What do you expect to see? Expect to see Sims around the town and people visiting me when invited over.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Latest patch and after buying Cottage Living.
After the latest Expansion (Cottage Living) and the latest update, I have been having issues with my game.
On some Worlds, which are San Myshuno and Henford-on-Bagley (the new map) whenever I order a delivery or invite sims over to hangout, although they say they are on the way, nobody ever shows up.
I tried on another map (Evergreen Harbor from Eco Lifestyle) and I can normally invite over Sims, order food, as well as see NPC neighbor Sims walking in the neighborhood.
Actually, I noticed that in the Worlds with the invite-issue the passerby NPCs that used to walk around are gone. For example, in San Myshuno, the area were the Flea Market takes place is always empty, while in the past it was crowded with people walking and playing music. Now there is just a Shop Vendor standing still at the edge of the map (seems he is stuck), and very rarely I might see a Sim (the same EA-made Sim) walking by. It is as if all the rest of the Sims have disappeared. Even though all apartments are rented in the area, I never see any of the residents moving about. Neither the neighbors nor visitors ever come by. It is like a ghost town. Same with Henford-on-Bagley. No walking NPCs. Just empty towns with the same random EA NPC walking by sometimes.
This also happens in non-Residential lots. I lately placed a Spa at the San Myshuno Flea Market Neighborhood and when I visit it, nobody is ever there. No staff or visitors. I also tried visiting a restaurant I have next to it and nobody is there either, except the Waiters and a Cook that is stuck outside and never moves. Sometimes these lots are visited ONLY by the same EA-made NPC (don't remember the name). Other than him, I never see anyone else. Weirdly, sometimes when I try to visit said lots, I get an error saying "Failed to Load" kicking me back to the Main Menu. If I try again, I eventually get the lot to load normally.
All households in the problematic Worlds have the issue, so its not an issue with an individual household. It is an issue affecting the whole World. I know that San Myshuno and Henford-on-Bagley have the issue at the moment, and that Evergreen harbor works fine.
I will check the other Worlds too, however I mainly play San Myshuno and Henford, so this is a big issue for me Frown
Yes I have mods, only CAS CC like clothes and some furniture CC. No scripts or weird gameplay altering mods.
I Repaired the game and it didn't help.