Forum Discussion

daltwisney's avatar
11 years ago

[FIXED] Maid throws away coffeemaker if it has spoiled coffee in it

This has happened 3 times now, so I'm pretty sure I can reproduce it.

If there is spoiled/expired coffee in a coffeemaker, the maid service throws away the coffeemaker rather than cleaning/emptying it.

So, this is either a bug, of the maid moonlights for the manufacturer and is trying to bolster sales. 

  • Dirty coffee makers will now be cleaned by the maid, rather than disposed of.
    • Though have you see the stains coffee makes?
      • I think the maids were doing you a service, but hey, if you want to keep drinking it, don't ask me to look at your stomach lining when you're dead.

    This feels a bit like the end of an area but this bug was squished in Patch 1.25.135

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