Forum Discussion

Arekkino's avatar
4 years ago

Game only spawns Young Adult Librarian NPC Sims

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All EP's except Cottage Living, all GP's except Dream Home Decorator and Journey to Batuu, All SP's except Toddler, Kids Room, and My First Pet Stuff, none of the Kits
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? go to any library, then open cheat console, type in *testing cheats true* and *cas.fulleditmode*, then Shift left click the Librarian NPC and select *Modify in CAS*, change their age from Young Adult to Adult or Elder and return to the game afterwards, leave the lot and return to it the next day around the same time when you first visited it and search for the Librarian NPC that's currently in the library; you can also edit that specific Sim from the Manage Households tab, just make sure the *cas.fulleditmode* cheat is enabled to do so because you have to change their age
What happens when the bug occurs? instead of using the Adult Librarian Sim I edited in CAS the game will spawn a new one that is a Young Adult, even after deleting that new Sim the game continues to spawn Librarians that are Young Adults
What do you expect to see? the NPC Librarian that I've changed from a Young Adult to an Adult
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

While working on a Save File I've noticed that the game only spawns Young Adult Librarian Sims. I've changed a couple of them in CAS (appearance and age). When I returned to the game they still kept their NPC role but once I've left the lot and returned to it the next day around the same time there was a completely different Sim. I've moved the Sim I've modified in CAS to a lot while keeping them in the Other Household category (indicated by a greyed out Plumbob). When I visited them on the lot and asked them about their career they told me they're working as a Librarian at the place I've recently visited. I've repeated the same thing (moving Sims to a lot, and then asking them about their career) a few times and all of them gave me the same answer: Librarian at the lot I've just came from. While I don't mind seeing Young Adults in certain careers it'd still be nice to have more age options. I want to see Elder Librarians or Adult ones especially when I want to tell a storyline involving them. For now I can work around this by making them look much older in CAS than they actually are but it's a little weird seeing that those Sims are supposed to be Young Adults while looking like Elders.

Edit: The game in general spawns only Young Adult Librarians. Even after deleting the new Sims only YA NPC's would appear on that lot instead of the Sim I edited despite the game telling me that they work at that library. Once I set their age back to YA they would spawn again.

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  • @Arekkino Usually when you edit a Sim, they usually loose their role so the game not using the one you edited is normal. You probably had to leave the lot for this to take full control.

    Question about the young adults spawning afterwards: If you do not go to CAS to edit the original librarian (you might need to try that on a new save), do they also spawn as young adults or is that only the case after you've done that edit ?
  • @crinrictThe first part is not happening to me at all. Any NPC Sim I edit remains in their role until I either make them part of my household or start playing with them. I can even keep some of them in the same role throughout different save files by saving them to my library, then placing them on a lot, then evict them, and then make sure they stay in the Other Household category. I have the same Vendors, Mail Carriers, Repairmen, and more in multiple saves. There are some exceptions like the mail carrier that loses their role once I place them on a lot and visit them there.

    I'm not sure what you mean with the second part. If I don't edit them at all then they will stay the way they are, the game will continue to use them until I turn them older (or younger but teenagers/kids/toddlers can't be librarians). If I kept them as Young Adults, even while edited, then they will show up in the library they are working at. The older Sims still have the job according to the game but they won't spawn.

  • crinrict's avatar
    4 years ago

    @Arekkino It might depend on the role.

    Guess I'm going to try the second part myself since it's a bit hard to explain. It's mainly about: Are you getting young adults spawning if you don't their age.Like if you delete the librarian but don't edit the age on that save, will they also respawn as young adults and are they young adults from start.

    EDIT: Looks like yes. They are YA. Could you maybe edit your post to show that it's not dependent on cheating that they are ya. From your report it sounds like only that specific scenario makes them young adults when it seems they just spawn as YA when you start a new game.  As cheat issues are usually unsupported, I suggest it's better if you change the wording.

  • @crinrictOhhhh, I see. Yeah, I did try that out at some point, too. Whenever a new librarian spawned I'd exit to Manage Worlds and delete the Sim that was generated, return to the library and wait for the new librarian to appear. It's never been the one I edited but always a new one that's a Young Adult. So that made me assume that only they can be librarians. Once I set the age of the Sim I edited back to YA they'd appear.

  • crinrict's avatar
    4 years ago
    @Arekkino Yeah, it looks like they're just young adults now if they newly spawn. Doesn't matter if you use any cheats or not to edit them.