Forum Discussion

dolldrms1's avatar
9 years ago

Gardening Problems

Gardening seems to have developed problems in my current game, started a few days after the last patch.  Although, plants are able to be evolved, the harvested plants in my sim's inventory are still shown as "normal" for chrysanthemums; tomatoes; carrots; basil; parsley and onions.  The only two plants that seem to be evlolving and reflecting the correct stage when harvested are blackberries and snapdragons.  I don't know if other plants are effected as the gardens I have are small.
Some of the plants were already on a lot downloaded from the gallery and the other two lots where this is happening were harvested from the planter box that isn't actually on a lot in Oasis Springs beyond the Zest property, not grown from purchased seeds.  I did notice while one sim was harvesting from that planter box that a gardener showed up to tend the plants.  My sim no longer had the option to do so, as was the case in prior saves.  At the time, I was actually glad to see the gardener because I had not been seeing those plants with a harvest action.  They seemed to not be functioning at all in prior saves.
I did do a repair game, which didn't help but I have not yet started a new save to see if the problem exists. 
Steps you took for Issue to occur
Garden as usual.  I happened to check what stage the harvested plants were while in the sim's inventory because the foodie sims keep getting the poorly made food buff.  The problem is happening with plants in containers and planter boxes.  Selling the plants and replanting from the sim's inventory hasn't worked, so next step will be to purchase seed packs and see if that will correct the problem.  I would love to see input from others on whether or not this is a problem in their game.  If it hadn't been for the negative foodie sim buff I might not have noticed as quickly.
None taken
Where does the bug occur ?
This is occuring on three different lots in the current save.  Two of them are in Oasis Springs and one in Windenburg.  I had put plants into the household inventory of the sims now living in Windenburg when I moved them from Oasis Springs.  All three of the sim families involved are living in homes downloaded from the Gallery, in case that is relevant.  Only one of the homes already had plants on the lot, the other two didn't.
I first noticed this on the Windenburg lot and thought perhaps the plants had corrupted from being in the household inventory while moving.  I sold them and planted from the sim's inventory but again, even though the plants can be evolved, harvested items still show "normal" rather than the correct evloved state.
Vanilla game, have not used mods or cc.

Expansion Packs/Game Packs/Stuff Packs
All released to date.

Occurring since
2/4/16 patch
Operating system
i5-4570 @ 3.2GZh; Nividial GTX 650; Windows 10

6 Replies

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  • I just checked in my game – I have some plants grown (in planter boxes) from the fruit and veggies harvested from the planter boxes near the Van Haunts Estate. All the harvested produce are in various stages of evolvement so it seems mine are not bugged.

    I play with cc/mods (nothing directly involving the plants though) and I don't own the latest SP (Romantic Garden), game is fully patched (Mac).

  • Could you upload your save and PM me the link ? Sounds like some kind of save corruption.

  • @crinrict, I want to let you know that at least two of the lots now have the harvested produce show the correct state.  I don't know if it was selling and replacing the affected plants, or repairing the game that seems to be putting things on the right track.

    If it was repairing the game, is it common for it to take 3-4 days to fix an issue?  This was the first time I have repaired and am not sure if fixes are supposed to be immediate, or can take some time to kick in.

    Wanted to update you in case you no longer wanted to test, or, give the save lower priority for testing.  You always have so much on your plate to take care of.

    Pic attached of an anomaly that occurred on the Windenburg lot.  Another shake one's head at things that can happen.  This was the only time I have ever seen this in game so it was most likely a fluke I don't expect to see repeatedly.  Me thinks that putting weeding in the queue while a sim with a low fun need is watching a movie might not be such a good idea.  Well, unless one just wants to watch a sim weed invisible plants under the dining room table, lol.


  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    Yeah, I was not able to replicate.

    Not sure what happend. I doubt it was repairing the game.