Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.96.397.1020
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Can I just say all of them? I am only missing 15 Kits but I own all EPs, GPs, and SP.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a large outdoor garden using the garden plots called "Mounded In-Ground Garden Patch" and "In-Ground Garden Patch". The first issue doesn't happen unless you use the garden plots. The second issue is with all plants, including the ones planted in the ground anywhere.
What happens when the bug occurs? 2 issues actually. The most concerning is when I open my game in live mode to play my sims, all my fruits and vegetables from my garden will be in my Household Inventory. Only the regular plants and trees, not the new oversized ones. It's almost like my game is auto harvesting them while I'm away. It only harvests the stuff in season though. Then I have to drag each item out and place it on the ground for my sims to pick up since I can't just drag it to a container from the household inventory mode. My second issue which is probably related to the first is sometimes when I fertilize or water my plants they will shrink. This includes all plants and trees that are in the garden plots or planted in the ground, except the newer "oversized plants". I can't get a cutting because I never know when they will shrink. I'm talking about plants that are actually in-season. If I leave live-mode and travel or log out of the game, when I come back, they are normal size again but then I have my first issue to deal with.
What do you expect to see? I don't want to have to drag all my fruits and vegetables out of my household inventory every time. Or at least fix it so I can drag them directly into a container. For my second issue it would be nice if my plants didn't shrink randomly.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
My first and most concerning issue. As you can see from my first picture, all my fruits and vegetables that are planted in the in-ground garden plots automatically harvest and end up in my household inventory. Then I have to individually drag each of them out, place them on the ground, and then drag them to my sims in live mode. I can't drag them to a container so that's the only way to get them. It happens every time I leave my house to travel or log out of the game. (It also happens with the chair and everything sitting on the desk underneath my bunk bed too.) The oversized plants are not affected by this.
My second issue that isn't as major. My plants randomly shrink. All of them including the ones planted in the in-ground plots or just on the regular ground. The oversized plants are the only ones that don't shrink. Sometimes when I water or fertilize my plants they will shrink down. Even if they were ready for harvesting, it will shrink down like it's a new plant and I can't harvest or take cuttings until it "grows" again. See picture 2 for example. My Bonsai Shrub was normal sized, I logged back in today and now its shrunk down. Sometimes if I leave my game and log back in, they will be normal sized again but not always (picture 2) and then I have my first issue to deal with anyway, which is a lot more annoying.