Horse Ranch Mercantile Items ***DEBUG***
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.90.375.1020
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except Spokey stuff pack
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to the Horse Ranch Mercantile to buy supplies in the new world Chestnut Ridge.
What happens when the bug occurs? Four items have no name and appear as ***DEBUG*** The items that do that are White Meat, Red Meat, Sugar, and Flour. Once bought, these items occasionally (10-49%) will not appear in your inventory. I tried a work around of having these items delivered and that also did not show in my inventory.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see the names properly displayed in the mercantile catalog and then see the items in my inventory once purchased.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Horse Ranch download
When trying to shop at the Mercantile in Chestnut Ridge, four items do not have proper labels and will not appear in inventory occasionally.