[NEEDS INPUT] [DU] UI gets corrupted on re-enrolling
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? *ALL* EXCEPT: Backyard Stuff and Seasons
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Discover University: Enroll in classes (Distinguished History degree)
What happens when the bug occurs? Career UI becomes broken, can no longer drop out of university, can not interact with presentation boards other than placing them in inventory.
What do you expect to see? The university widget in the career UI thing to be intact, to have full functionality of presentation boards, to have some method of dropping out.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
The problem:
1) Careers/class widget thing is all messed up, and looks like this:
As you can see, my sim's 4 classes have been split into four things that look like careers rather than classes. The names of the classes and the associated skills are no longer visible. When you hover over the hat icon it only says "University". It also shows the class progress which is meant to be invisible.
2) The presentation boards do not work. My sim was given 2 for this semester. They do still have the hover text with the owner's name and the associated class but they can't be completed, only taken in and out of his inventory. The same as this problem, except the associated degree seems to be different (I'm doing Distinguished History) and they don't have all my additional problems: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/FIXED-DU-Presentation-Board-is-missing-Options-do-presentation/td-p/8436573
3) No option to drop out! This is concerning, because I can't even drop out and try again, yknow? I only took a photo of where I think the drop out option was meant to be, but if I'm wrong then I promise I checked every other icon in the phone too.
What still works:
Homework can still be completed and handed in and sim can go to class on time. The computer's university options work fine too. He has no term paper this semester so I can't report on that. I have no idea if the semester or even the degree can be completed successfully like this but I'm trying.
How I triggered it:
Unsure if it can be reliably triggered by people at home, but:
>Enroll for Distinguished History degree after having already completed Distinguised Physics in the past, with a holiday to the Jungle Adventure place in between.
>Select 4 classes, if one is an elective or not doesn't matter.
>Enroll on Friday afternoon or at any point that causes first class to be on Monday. Everything will look fine.
>Leave lot (at least with other sims from the household) and come back, career/class UI will now be broken. I don't know when the other things break but I assume it is at the same time. You may not even have to leave the lot and come back, in fact I think I triggered it the first time by exiting the game and coming back!
Of course, I'm not even sure which of these steps are relevant.
What I have tried:
I have done it twice, because the first time I had just had MC Command Center in the game for the first time and I thought I'd killed it with that, so I removed it and went back to an old save using the game's save recovery system. This recovered save should not have been touched by any script mods at all, but it happened again. I did have CAS and build object mods in the game both times I triggered it though, I can only say that removing them did not fix the problem once it had already started.
I have tried repairing the game and deleting my localthumbcache so many times but it's not making any difference. I have had other semesters go over fine since the last patch so I think it's not necessarily to do with that, but I haven't done a History degree before so maybe it's that?
Thank you for reading.